Thursday, August 20, 2015

Dolphins in the Gulf of Gdansk. For the first time since the nineteenth century! –

The first information about the “jumping porpoise” in the area of ​​Hel Marine Station of experts from the Institute of Oceanography at the University of Gdansk received on August 8. Information, unfortunately, has not documented its findings, however, no photo.

last time in the nineteenth century.

“We adopted this information from routine reserve, but waiting for the proof of authentication, eg. in the form of repeated similar report, as usual, as podpowiadało our experience, observation of cetaceans such a group is sometimes multiplied “- informs on its website Marine Station of the Institute of Oceanography at the University of Gdansk.

Exceptional images directly from the USA. So look beautiful Polish city before World War
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Another news about dolphins came after a few days, but the second – the eastern shore of the Gulf of Gdansk. Observations made on August 12 zander anglers. Polish scientists sent it to Dr. Alexey Gushchin from Kaliningrad. The same two dolphins sighted on August 14 in the vicinity of Klaipeda. Information that they are bottlenose dolphins, the researchers then confirmed the Lithuanian Sea Museum. Earlier, in late July and early August, a pair of butlonosów of the subspecies Tursiops truncatus was observed off the east coast of Denmark.

Does their appearance on the Polish coast is exploring new waters?

– Dolphins are like people and are constantly looking for new avenues to explore, traveled here under his stimulus, probably food. Baltic Sea ecosystem is, however, very young – it has only 30 thousand. years and so far the only species of whale, which settled here was porpoise seven thousand years ago – explains Professor. Krzysztof Leather, manager IOUG Marine Station in Hel. – Perhaps 20 thousand. years will find other cetaceans, although it is not said that it will be just bottlenose dolphins, but

for example. white dolphins that often appear in the Baltic Sea. The mere appearance of a dolphin does not mean, of course, that this is their habitat, it’s a bit as if we said that man inhabits Mount Everest, because it appears there.

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The threat of gillnets

Bottlenose dolphins are among the most common and widely dispersed species of dolphins. They live in groups of usually approx. 10 individuals – the coast – up to 25 on the ocean. There are also solitary animals, but herds of several hundred members, eg. In the tropical Pacific region. Just like porpoises are protected by the provisions of the EU Habitats Directive and the CMS and its agreements ASCOBANS. The greatest threat to their lives are gill nets and underwater noise.

The last time bottlenose dolphins in the area of ​​our coast were recorded in the late nineteenth century.


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