Wednesday, August 26, 2015

M – again, not a virtual assistant is already working Messenger –

M is a new service for users of Messenger, available at the moment, only a few hundred selected users. Soon, however, may be that will change the way we use the most popular social networking site in the world.

What Can Young

Unlike Siri Is Corte, according to the “M” is not administration information, analyzing our calendar, reminders about the meeting. “M” has a completely different function – is to perform certain actions for us.

Unlike other services based on artificial intelligence M is able to perform any task on your behalf. Can purchase the item order the service to provide a gift for a loved one, book a table at a restaurant, make an appointment and others.

– said David Marcus with Facebook quoted by The Verge.

As we wrote before M will operate using not only the resources of artificial intelligence, but also with people. You will never be known, however, what the scope of his inquiry is being carried out by a

robot, and what the man.

M is as yet at an early stage of product development. It may, however, prove a breakthrough, especially for Facebook, which has found yet another way for users to devote his time and passed more data. It seems that’s what we need in a world where technology has to serve us.


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