Monday, February 22, 2016

Augmented reality glasses HTC Vive available for the price of $ 799 –

the augmented reality glasses are naturally more popular. Here is not without significance is the growing interest from both developers, filmmakers and images in 360 degrees, and the same potential customers. Now officially HTC and Valve announced that their VR goggles will have to pay exactly $ 799. What do you get for that price?

HTC Vive is based on the platform SteamVR, but Taiwanese added Vive Phone Services, which will enable the level of glasses, eg. Write-down on the message using the template response, receiving voice calls or browsing recorded events in the calendar. Undoubtedly practical solution.

On the day of the release will be available 40 applications. For each Vive will be added immediately two titles:

  • Job Simulator: The 2050 Archives – the world presented in a distorting mirror all the work is done by robots, and we takes on the character that checks how it looked before.
  • Fantastic Contraption – personally create their own machine, and then look at how they work.

Of course, the manufacturer must indicate that the game is not everything, what was created HTC Vive. Taiwanese are going to take care of the use of the potential of these goggles also for other industries, among others mentioned here about medicine, commerce or education. Certainly the potential of this item is huge.

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Since a year ago, we presented to the world system of HTC Vive, tirelessly working with Valve to deliver you the best solution for virtual reality. Presenting the consumer version of HTC Vive, we realize our vision of virtual reality, allowing people around the world experience the true, deep VR, which ignites the imagination and really is changing the world.

Cher Wang, CEO of HTC

Pre-start on 29 February, and the first copies Vive will go to customers on April 1 (data probably not accidental). The kit for $ 799 includes: the wireless controllers, goggles with a built-in camera that allows you to interact with the environment and system, which recognizes our movements.

Source: HTC


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