Monday, February 22, 2016

Galaxy S7 – hot tap water on the way to perfection, LG G5 as Daedalus with Icarus – Spider’s Web

You may wrongly ignoring even in this discussion brand Huawei (for the year certainly will not be able to afford it), then LG and Samsung have grown in recent years for two main driving forces fighting Runner is who jump higher, will run on, will enchant consumers harder.

There is no way to complain about what Samsung unveiled. I do not recall that a company from the technology sector up so intently listened to the voices of its customers. At least so far no so much that is not revealed. If anyone had any objection to the line of Galaxy S6, it is very likely that this year’s flagship nuances of these eliminate.

Hot water Samsung

S6 Edge was too small and there was no real benefit of a curved screen? This year, the Edge is nearly half an inch bigger. Users have complained of battery capacity in S6? The new model has nearly 500 mAh larger battery. Last year’s edition seemed to be a little bulky? Back S7 is curved in such a way that the telephone was in the hands better. The camera was too convex? Well, it pushes it a little inside! We could not bear to abandon the use of external memory cards? The stay in this model. Speaking of hot water provided – the phone is waterproof again.

Samsung Galaxy S6 (in the flat) was my personal assessment of the best Android smartphone which was released in 2015. Amazing processor Exynos guaranteed smooth operation so far unattainable for the majority of competitors struggling at this time of overheating the Snapdragon 810, a heavily slimmed TouchWiz overlay finally tried him in this do not disturb. To this we add a fantastic camera, and the whole was dressed in brilliantly-looking metal and glass design. 2015, at least in terms of design, iPhone pushed to the second division.

It is not without significance is indeed mention of Apple, because it is clear that Samsung always strives to ensure that its flagship Galaxy S line It was seen as an alternative iPhone. On the technical side is that all the papers, while taking into account the problems with the update of Android (for which in the Netherlands want them even sue) or the fact that the market but verifies their ability to become a symbol of the electronics by the rapid decline quite exorbitant prices, Apple with its cult (I do not think I used the word exaggerated) status need not have feared. Too bad, because Samsung from year to year growing portfolio of gadgets and probably a lot to give to sold like those of Cupertino.

Regardless of the Galaxy S7 with her a wavy colleague promises to be the best smartphone in 2016 years. In the fulfillment of these predictions may prevent him perhaps the only Chinese. While Xiaomi and Meizu will not be able to achieve success on a massive scale so enormous resources has Huawei. Almost certainly we know that the Galaxy S7 will not be beaten by LG G5, which does not mean, however, that the main competitor Samsung has not started just struggle for dominance in a new generation of smartphones.

LG G5, or how przydzwonią the rock … risky fate of pioneers

This year’s flagship from LG is strange. After a sensational G4, remember that thanks to kapitalnemu idea back on the leather casing, the new model flips the metal. And it looks – to put it mildly –

not particularly attractive, a bit like a cheap chinese. I personally perceive there analogy Xiaomi redmi Note 3. LG withdrew even from his trademark in the form of the function buttons on the back of the housing. Roughly it is known so that the successful line of G, G5 combines the first and foremost name and manufacturer.

This year, LG or racing on the design, nor to develop it, which was good. Turns in a different direction and shows us … the phone module. I read a, pooglądałem. It is lime. The LG something developers made a mistake and probably completely forgotten why – as humanity – came up with a smartphone. They were to be relatively small, have relatively many functions, let God continue to offer the possibility of calling. Model G5 is a delight for fans of LEGO bricks. Or for women who fit in the cavernous purse several modules on every occasion, eg. For music lovers. Or module with an additional battery that courtesy was named for the “photographers”. Because you must know that LG also slightly reduced the base battery, which never was not the strongest. But it was replaceable, and now it will be replaced.

Some of the ninja turtle mocked, but with affection. The problem is that after what I saw, I do not want to buy LG G5 for the life of the world (as opposed to the G4, which wistfully sighing over the past few months). Sympathy, however, stems from the fact that it is precisely such ideas, such innovations are changing the world of modern technologies. Respect in turn caused by the fact that you have to have really big balls to such experiments carried out on its flagship model, though perhaps in this situation, prestige and all efforts will be passed on (also for its innovative way) V10.

Costly mistake LG generation or win

while Samsung offered us a policy of hot tap water and created his probably the best smartphone ever, LG this year offers us a “good change”. It’s a risky jump on the tastes of fans of electronics. If by some miracle they succeed – buy yourself a few more years at the forefront. If, however, the new model proves to be a failure, and something that I’m not entirely convinced these modules, you can quickly begin to lose the position, which for years have worked so hard.



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