it turns out that rumors of the “death” of Windows Phone were not at all premature. The most recent report Gartner does not leave a dry thread on the mobile system from Microsoft.
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The share of Windows Phone Market smartphones in Q4 2015 years amounted to only 1.1 percent. This means a drop in sales of 4.4 million devices compared to the same period in 2014 when the WP had 2.8 percent. share in sales. On the other side, there is Android (80.7 percent.) And iOS (17.7 percent.). It should be noted, however, that while Google increased its market share in mobile systems (4.7 percent.), Whereas Apple recorded a decrease (2.7 percent.).
The analyst Benedict Evans drew attention the numbers that will further make clear to us how great the gap between Microsoft’s mobile system from its competitors. Since the debut of Windows Phone on the market, Microsoft and Nokia sold 110 million devices with this system, while smartphones with Android and iOS sold at that time in the number of 4.5 million copies.
A how equipment sales broken down by individual producers? Here the first place still is Samsung (20.7 per cent. Share). Behind him it is of course Apple (17.7 percent.), And closes the podium Huawei, whose share in sales of smartphones grew from 5.7 percent. in the 4th quarter 2014 to 8 percent. in the 4th quarter of last year.
Source: Gartner

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