Monday, February 29, 2016

Veturilo took off. You can already rent city bikes in Warsaw –

  Photo: PAP
  Bicycles ready

According to earlier announcements, was to start veturilo on the night of Monday to Tuesday, from February 29 to March 1. Eventually it became, however, several hours earlier than planned. The system began to work this morning.

More than three thousand bicycles

– Thanks to the efficient work conducted made by our service teams, we can make a nod to the capital’s cyclists and before complete break winter. Over the last few months preparing the infrastructure, equipment and konserwowaliśmy we performed minor repairs of bicycles. Everything is ready, so it left us nothing else but run rental and capital cyclists wish another good season veturilo – said Tomasz Onet Wojtkiewicz, president of Nextbike Polish network operator.

this year, residents of Warsaw are available to exactly 3 039 bicycles, which can borrow on 204 stations. Lovers of riding on two wheels can now also use the tandem and children’s bikes “Veturilko”, which are available at the confluence al. Independence Street. Batory.

Last year, the system operator, reported a record interest in urban bicycles in the history of Warsaw rental. Bikes are loaned exactly 1 975 083 times. This is an increase of 3.7 percent. – In the previous season the figure was 1 904 140. In addition there are 82 658 registered new users – this, in turn, an increase of 28.2 percent. Daily record loans amounted to 15 955. It has been recorded on April 11. In 2014, the record was broken on April 25 and was 14 142 rentals.

The most active user borrowed in the past year bike 1 101 times. It is statistically 4.4 day rentals. In total, from August 2012 until the end of November 2015 veturilo lent 6 069 514 times. The number of registered users reached 374 821.

This will be a revolution

next year system veturilo waiting for a real revolution. Agreement for the system, which signed a contract with the city’s present operator – Nextbike Poland, valid for only the end of November this year. Therefore, even in March, Municipal Roads announce a tender for a new operator, for

the period 2017-2020. – The current system heavily already grown old. Stations and bicycles are already worn-out, and besides, this technique went forward. Therefore, the changes are necessary – explains Lukas Puchalski, head of the CRB.

According to the plans, in the years 2017-2020 will be available to users for a total of nearly 300 stations with approx. 4300 bikes. All equipment, including terminals used to borrow wheelers, will be replaced. To about 40 increase the number of our popular tandems. There will also be more stations with a spinning childhood “Veturilko” – now there is one, and next year will be six of them.

You will get a new – electric bicycles. According to the foundation, they combine the New World and the Krakow suburb of Powisle and facilitate the movement between the city center and the university campus and the Copernicus Science Centre. Accordingly, the station 10 with electric bicycles will be precisely in this area. Importantly, it can be rented and pay only in specific, dedicated their stations.

There will be changes in the price list?

It is worth noting that the terminals will be equipped with color displays, and the stations will appear pumps for bicycles. Besides wheelers will be easier and quicker to borrow using a special application, without going to the terminal.

the cost of borrowing for the time being will remain unchanged. Although the city plans in this regard some modifications. For now, however, the stewards do not want to reveal more details. – For residents of the capital, with cards Warszawiak, the cost of borrowing for sure will not rise – but said Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, mayor of the capital.

Recall system veturilo running from 1 August 2012. Bikes are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. According to the tariff set by the municipal councilors, 20-minute hiring a vehicle is free of charge, and another 40 minutes costs penny. For the second hour of cycling will pay 3 zł, and for the third – 5 zł. Each additional hour costs 7 zł.



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