Sunday, February 28, 2016

Microsoft (finally) supports Apple in the battle with the FBI – Computer World

The giant from Redmond finally breaks silence on
 blocked iPhone, which wants to get into the FBI, and so force
 things the US government. This case, since I went to the first
 pages of newspapers, shared technology environment. Apple got
 already support such industry giants as Facebook, Twitter
 Google. She was, however, a company that stubbornly silent -

The only early termination in this case, it was
 Bill Gates’ statement, in which he suggested that his sympathies
 rather they lie on the side of the FBI and the government. Microsoft (and Gates himself) very
 quickly withdrew from this ambiguity and recently expressed support
 for Apple. Brad Smith Microsoft’s repeated less
 more statement Facebook and Twitter – to create
 software that would break the iPhone will be a serious
 threat to the safety of customers, in principle, any
 company. Why?

Because the if you bow to Apple , followed by the fall
 on my knees more companies that manufacture phones. There’s no need to
 It will be a long wait for the effects of such unprecedented both in terms of
 protection of user data and equipment sales company, which
 any time will be able to

break in on our phone.

But if Apple manages to win with the FBI, or the technicians do not
 they could break the iPhone security is the best Campaign
until the end of the world.

Watch the video – you Appka, or review
 the most interesting applications:

»See also:
 Twitter, Google and Facebook support in the fight against Apple



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