Tuesday, February 16, 2016

IPN and the police in the house Kiszczak. Secured documents for TW “Bolek” – TVN24

Photo: tvn24 Gen. Kiszczak died last year

Institute escorted by police secured documents dot. TW “Bolek” stored in the house Czeslaw Kiszczak – said the head of the Institute of National Remembrance.

President of the Institute of National Remembrance Lukasz Kaminski added that the widow of the gene. Kiszczaku offered IPN sale documents dot. TW “Bolek”.

Lech Walesa …


How handed in a statement IPN presented it saved both sides handwritten sheet of paper entitled “Information development of words TW the meeting report on 16 November 74 r. ‘dated: Gdańsk, dn. 16/11/74, bearing in the upper left corner of the heading “source. T.W., adopted. res., will affect. 16 Nov 74 r., RECEIVE. Capt. Z. Ratkiewicz. ” At the same time announced that it has more of these kinds of documents.

IPN adds that the notified immediately became Head of the Branch Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes Against the Polish Nation.

added that in the afternoon IPN prosecutor escorted by police officers took the place of residence widow Czeslaw Kiszczaku actions aimed at securing the documents to be transferred to the Institute of National Remembrance in accordance with Article. 28 of the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance. It states that “anyone who, without legal title has documents containing information concerning the activity of the Institute of Remembrance is obliged to release them immediately to the President of the Institute of Remembrance.”

Last year, the investigation division of IPN took steps to verify, or Czeslaw Kiszczak stores the documents to be transferred to the Archives IPN. These activities interrupted by the death of Czeslaw Kiszczak.

Kiszczak died last year

Czeslaw Kiszczak died last November at the age of 90. In the 70s Kiszczak was the first head of military intelligence, later also counterintelligence. In 1981. The general army became head of the Ministry of the Interior – as a close associate of then-Prime Minister gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski. He took part in the introduction of martial law; He was a member of the Military Council of National Salvation and the Politburo in the years 1986-1990.

He was finally convicted for the imposition of martial law.

Author: js / I / PAP

IPN and the police in the house Kiszczak. secured documents for & # x105; ce TW & quot; Bolek & quot;

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