Saturday, February 13, 2016

Black Series Apple is even easier way to lose smartphone – Virtual Poland

  This discovery does not improve recently tarnished the image of Apple. It turns out that in order to effectively “kill” the iPhone, iPad, or even your iPod, just change it in the system date to January 1, 1970. After manually setting the date and restarting devices with the logo gnawed apple stop working and refuse any cooperation.

 If you are curious about how the process of changing the iPhone pile inefficient electronics, you can see it on the video below:

 Of course, the first question is whether this is the final destruction. The author argues that this is so, like many others, but it is also worth noting that there are also other voices. One of the users of the portal Reddit announced, for example, that his iPod after 5 hours of “clinical death”, however, is alive and – reluctantly – but allowed, however, to change the date, and then recovered completely.

 And the second important question: what devices are exposed to death because of the change of date? Unfortunately, all that use 64-bit processors, while using the software iOS 8 or later. In other words, all are exposed to relatively new iPhone (5s, 6, 6 Plus, 6s and 6s Plus) iPads (Air, Air 2, 2 mini mini three, four mini-Pro), and, finally, iPod Touch 6G.

 Of course, it is encouraging in this story is that no one in their right mind – especially knowing now about the problem – will

not be played in manually change the date in the system and adjust it happened on 01.01.1970. A lot of people work However, on the principle of “do not believe, as you do not see”, to later go with regret to the nearest service Apple (preferably the original!). However, in this case as a result of all this the most affected (and suffers still) directly to Apple, because its stores are currently experiencing a real siege witty kids who “test” or put the device also are susceptible to this problem.

 Well, fortune is fickle. Recently, Apple has prepared a surprise for users who changed their smartphones in a worthless brick. Currently, they are doing the same thing in the salons of Apple …


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