FBI probably will use the Supreme Court, which could force Apple to provide a backdoor to the iPhone. There is no other way, because the owner of the ill-fated telephone terrorist accidentally reset the password for iCloud, which prevented cloud sync. I – accidentally or deliberately – there are conspiracy theories.
What is it with this iPhone?
The attempt to San Bernardino on 2nd December 2015. Then killed 16 people and injured was 24. One of the signs was investigated by the FBI iPhone 5C found in the possession of terrorist bomber Syed Rizwaan Farooka.
However, the Agency has not been able to get to the data stored in your phone because of the used protection. From iOS version 8 because the system uses encryption, the security is virtually impossible to crack using today’s technology.
Apple ID is guarded 6-digit password, which no one knows of the living. You can try to break them “brute force” (typing possible combinations to effect), but after the fifth attempt, the phone requests-minute break after 9 hours, and if you fail in 10 time, the data are erased.
February 9, more than two months after the attack (!), the FBI announced that it can not get to the data on the phone because of the encryption. The court brought by FBI ordered Apple to allow fracture phone security eg. Removing the loop delay on subsequent attempts to enter a password. Then they could easily break.
Tim Cook sharply criticized this decision as an attack on encryption and is supported by, among others, by Google.
How the US media learned yesterday, the dispute between the FBI, and Apple has its origins in January. Then Apple instructed the FBI to go with your phone into the apartment Farooka, where the phone perhaps would connect to a known Wi-Fi network and began to sync to the cloud, which would help in recovering the data.
However, this option was not enough probable, because the house was demolished by terrorist mob shortly after the attack. The FBI could also try their luck at the Department of Health, which gave Farookowi – his employee – the phone to use.
Sorry, the password has been reset
Both of these methods have, however, already lost, because, as informs Department Justice:
phone owner [Department of
An employee of the Department had to act on their own, and not recommending services.
the last synchronization with the cloud took place six weeks before the attack, in October.
conspiracy theorists – FBI wants backdoor iPhone
Browsing topic on Reddit concerning the events I came across an interesting observation. Well, the FBI could have intentionally reset the password to force Apple to introduce a backdoor to your system. Apple so far has resisted the decision of the Federal Court, but the case could hit even the Supreme Court.
According to the BI Apple now considering the possibility of creating a special software for the FBI.
Judgment of the most important a court in the US may be for the world’s largest corporations decisive.
What motivated by this conspiracy theory was the FBI? Well, after the scandal PRISM, when we found out that the biggest technology companies in the world capture the user data to the US government privacy began to be included in the price. New versions of the system introduced increasingly sophisticated security, by which the rulers took over smaller amounts of data.
The case “iPhone San Bernardino” may be only a pretext to return to the time before the Snowden.
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