Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Samsung Galaxy Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge of today T-Mobile – CHIP

Today, T-Mobile starts Of the two models can be ordered exclusively through the http://www.t-mobile.pl/pl/oferta_specjalna/przedsprzedaz-sgs7. The purchased goods will be sent to the customer on March 7, a few days before the official start of sales.

The offer pre-sales can benefit both business customers and individuals. The offer for the business market smartphones are already available from 9 zł, individual customers can purchase the equipment from 1329 zł (SGS7) and 1709 zł (SGS7 Edge). For each phone purchased in pre-T-Mobile has prepared a gift – glasses Gear VR, which, combined with your Samsung ensures a new dimension of entertainment.

The new flagship family of Samsung Galaxy work under the ośmiordzeniowego processor Exynos 8890 assisted 4 GB RAM. Smartphones support Micro SD card, are waterproof and have a stronger battery and better hearing than their predecessors.

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