Thursday, February 25, 2016

RMF FM: Zbigniew May could be under surveillance with the knowledge Mariusz Kaminski. For many days –

unofficially learned RMF FM, agents CBA be able to eavesdrop on phone Zbigniew May and his conversations – also from superiors. They did not know about the rulers of the former Chief of Police, that the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration.

According to RMF FM in the whole thing may be a conflict on the line Mariusz Kaminski-Law and Justice deputy . Overseer secret police would appoint for himself a special ministry of security, and the way these plans can become the head of the Interior Ministry.

Zbigniew Maj resigned in early February. As announced at a press conference announced at a press conference that “the last straw” broke provocation organized by former employees of the Bureau of Internal Affairs.

Zbigniew Maj is the creator and longtime member of a special team responsible for the police force and ABW abductions for ransom. He was the last reform of the structures of the Central Bureau of Investigation Police. Where he created a so-called “shadow hunters” – that is a special team in the

CBŚP seekers hiding abroad most dangerous criminals and people abducted for ransom. He was also the fight against organized crime among hooligans.


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