We use all available methods of geophysical research that could be useful in the search for “gold train”. The results do not give any reasons to believe that such a large object steel can be there. Therefore, we affirm strongly that the train is not there – says RMF FM scientists of the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Krakow, who in November conducted research on the famous slope in Walbrzych. In an interview with Grzegorz Jasinski talk about additional pressure that felt and what decided that the report so strongly exclude the existence of a train. As emphasized, the possible drilling waiting calmly.
Grzegorz Jasinski: I have the impression that prove science that something is not. It is harder than showing it is. You agree with this opinion?
Dr hab. Eng. Sławomir Porzucek : Of course, prove that something does not exist is much more difficult than to show that there is. It’s logical. Always after taking measurements, someone might accuse us that we use bad instruments, tools bad that after our calculations, the conversion were wrong or not entirely correct, something which other means. And that’s the problem. On the one hand included in the tool of the other processing data and drawing conclusions. It may indeed happen, and so that the tool and measurements will be good, processing the data is correct, and the conclusions drawn can still be wrong.
It is not that the state drove to Walbrzych from completely white card. When we talked before departure, you mentioned that you have some doubts about the evidence that presented explorers. It’s just about the methods that they used, and whether with the help of these methods can draw any conclusions it wysnuli. Does it have any effect on the preparations for those tests, the choice of methods of measurement?
Slawomir Porzucek : The choice of research methods mainly influenced the goal of our work is we wanted to look, that same train. As far as the research done by these two gentlemen or the whole team associated with the seekers, is itself the idea was correct, they used appropriate methods. But we do not know anything about the sensitivity of specific tools, apparatus, we have used and on the methods of processing the data collected by them. The results presented by them on the web or mass media seemed to us uncertain, these drawings and diagrams indicated that interpretation, which they carried out, and the exact measurement, development and interpretation of the data, which made led them to erroneous results.
you were going there under some pressure from the media and the public. Let’s face it, the researchers always doing research in such a way as to find out the truth, but whether this additional pressure from the outside had an impact on how the state przystępowaliście for this experiment, or not?
/ Stanislaw Rozpędzik / PAP
Dr Eng. Monika tallow : I think not. The scientist is a man who should not succumb to any pressure. But let’s face it, each of us is a human being and the pressure that everybody in a moment will say whether AGH found the train if it is not found, or has carried out a good measure or not, was for us an additional incentive to research carried out in 100 percent. accordance with the procedure, which in this case must be used. Our point was that there was no doubt that something could cause the results obtained will be subject to error, inaccuracy or doubt in the same interpretation.
Is the organization of these studies had a state full of possibilities that you expected? We are aware of certain limitations associated with the area or line of energy, but is besides, in the course of research, you have achieved what you were going?
Slawomir Porzucek : All the goals have been achieved. We conducted three types of pre-planned geophysical measurements. We tested it earlier models, and we were convinced that if there is a train should give a positive result.
Let’s talk about individual studies …
Monika tallow : We have three types of studies, gravimetric, magnetic and GPR. Each searching for something else. In the case of GPR surveys and gravimetric aim was to examine whether there exists a tunnel. While the magnetic method was used precisely because they were looking for the train, which is a significant amount of steel. If conditions allow, steel, train, we can look for just this method. And she did not tell us about the tunnel.
Does the country have had to date insight into the results of the research, during the tests, if everything has been developed then? Is there any way based on what was seen during the experiments, while walking along the embankment, anything could suggest yes or no whether it was then too early?
Monika Tallow: in the gravimetric method and the magnetic field rather it was not possible to notice the train because of the specificity of these methods and the interference that there were at least from the power line and which later had to be eliminated. While the GPR method has to date gave preliminary results, which did not support the findings. Then, of course, also we had to develop these results already here at the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Krakow. I confirmed that we are not able to detect the existence of the tunnel there, at this depth.
Let’s try to
Monika Tallow: It is already at the stage of processing and interpretation, when we view corrected, interpreted the results that allow us to draw conclusions. Observing the distributions of fields that we face, we checked whether the anomalies obtained allow to conclude that the train is there to determine whether there is a tunnel, or it is not. As a colleague said before we started testing, we conducted a theoretical mathematical analysis, we knew what shape the anomaly should be obtained, which should have an amplitude and should look like the distribution of the entire physical field. Because in our results we have not seen anything like that, on this basis, we can conclude – and we find – that, unfortunately, the train is not there.
With Pooh was so that the more looked into the hollow of the more Piglet was not there. As “very” this train is not there?
Slawomir Porzucek: It’s a very difficult question. It seems to us that the train is not there primarily because if it was, we will get a strong indication of magnetic and such an indication is not received. Our device, a magnetometer showed that there is beneath the large amounts of steel, a large amount of iron.
A tunnel?
Slawomir Porzucek : The tunnel is theoretically possible. Whereas the conditions which prevail there, geological and field, in terms of surface terrain, make detection it is very difficult and practically impossible.
Can we wonder, for example, are the remains of the tunnel collapsed rubble, whether such formation would be for the state already indistinguishable?
Monika tallow : If we talk about the tunnel, which is empty at this depth, as it was intended, that is 10 meters below the surface, then theoretically we are able to detect it. However, if we are talking about a tunnel that has been buried, or got hit himself, it passed at the end of a few decades, the methods we use do not allow it to be detected. To detect it, we have to be just emptiness. The area in which the study was conducted, it is geologically conglomerates, the structure of buried land would be essentially the same as the geological structure around and unlikely to be able to detect this gravimetric methods or radar.
Do you have any thoughts on the state yet another method to non-invasively could say anything more about this area? Something you have not you used, which did not allow the funds? Or, in principle, based on the available methods in the world, what could be done has been done?
Slawomir Porzucek : In theory, you could there conduct research geoelectric, geoelectrical tomography, but it seems to us that the conditions that prevail there is unlikely to allow precise determination of whether there is something or not. Besides, actually there are no other methods that might confirm the existence, whether a tunnel or a train.
Explorers, gentlemen, who reported that the train is there, starring for permission to conduct field work, conducting drilling. Whether the state will follow this work with peace, but with the delicate touch of uncertainty?
Monika tallow : I think that with equanimity. The best way to get a definitive answer to the question whether the train is there or not there, and exactly whether the tunnel is there, because the train really hard to be I believe now, is to make the wells.
Gentlemen, we are talking about, reported a further possible discoveries in the area of Mt. Lower Silesia is a place where for decades it is said, and probably will for a long time to talk about hidden treasures, or the remains of war. Is this experience with the gold train, then gold train in quotation marks, and now the quotes have no gold train, somehow raises suggestions as to possible methods of solving these types of puzzles? Is there a chance that the treasure hunt, the underground facilities will now be easier, more accurate? Do something that history teaches us?
Slawomir Porzucek: Each made the experience gives us knowledge. In this case, many have taught us the measurements under high voltage lines. And we will need in subsequent measurements, not on longer treasures or gold trains, regular measurements of geological and geotechnical. But based on these our experience, we can actually look for possible treasures or possible location of underground facilities, tunnels and trains, anywhere, of course, not necessarily in Lower Silesia. In that area, we have a lot of experience, often worked with our colleagues there, but unfortunately never actually managed to find anything interesting. Maybe except for one case in Głuszyca where we found old helmets from World War II, based on the premises that previously circulated in the area. We are able to detect everything that exists, but it so happens that the geological structure to find some underground facility does not allow. Combining these methods helps each of them is in fact a different physical property, with the help of each track can be different. If doing two or three geophysical surveys, we are practically able to find anything.

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