Wednesday, February 24, 2016

With smartphones HTC this time did not work out, but Vive is the best product of the company for years – Spider’s Web

HTC, like other companies operating in the mobile market is working on a virtual reality, but HTC Vive Pre is a completely different league than the VR from Samsung or LG. At the fair MWC 2016 was given to us to check the final version of the new gadget, which will compete with PlayStation VR Oculus Rift.

HTC once again disappointed in the segment of smartphones, and released outside of Asia One X9 and new models budżetowców line Desire nothing but a few dots on the housing does not stand out. Taiwanese kindle the imagination in a different product category.

 HTC Vive Pre at MWC 2016

HTC a year ago at the MWC announced that enter into a virtual reality.

Goggles Virtual reality Dev debuted in Barcelona in 2015. Sam had the opportunity to test them a few months ago and I was enchanted. Now, a year after the debut of the media, we approach the commercial launch of this gadget. At MWC 2016 I took part in the show HTC Vive Pre version almost identical to the one that will go to the end customers.

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HTC Vive Pre goggles to another caliber than the Samsung Gear VR, where the calculation is a smartphone. Like the Oculus Rift will be connected to a powerful computer – unfortunately with a cable, and more specifically the three cables with a length of five meters: power, USB and HDMI. Fourth, much shorter cable is used to connect headphones.

Already 29 February goggles HTC Vive Pre will be available in presale.

Price kit, which consists of goggles, controllers and trackers user is 799 dollars. in the United States, which will translate into probably a little more than 800 euros in Europe. It’s slightly more than the Oculus Rift which for Vive the only direct competitor – goggles Oculus and HTC require similar computer class with very strong graphics card, while the PlayStation VR attaches to the console Sony – but the set is a lot richer.

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in addition to the goggle box HTC Vive Pre includes two controllers and two modules locating’s Vive in space. Both goggles and controllers, equipped with laser sensors. The modules placed at the corners of the room all the time using them permanently monitor where the user is located – and specifically his head and hands. In the virtual world of the game you can see the rendered digital models of controllers.

Impressions of contact with the consumer variant of HTC Vive Pre are similar to those after the session with the version of the developer.

About how it looks virtual world with the release of HTC, wrote in the pages of Spider’s Web already last year. The use of lasers to the location provides a much better representation of movement and a more reliable immersion in the digital world than the recording of movement by the accelerometer or gyroscope. In the version close consumer – changes, if they occur, will be just cosmetic – it is in this respect even better.

Moving and rotating the virtual models of controllers is smooth and there are no delays – and the only no visible own hands is from the beginning of confusing. But who knows, maybe someday there will be gloves with sensors? Same controllers look much better, lighter and has an additional way to interact – compression. Goggles also

slimmed down, and can be adjusted with three strips of Velcro. Distance lens from each other adjusts the knob and the set will be two foam casings separating plastic skeleton of the face with varying degrees of curvature.

Consideration has even of the notches on the glass frames.

In Barcelona on show I could see three more game demos in virtual reality. One of them is allowed to paint light in the virtual space. The second was a comedy simulator of boxing in the corporation. The third race is already an action game – controllers turned into machine guns or shield, and the player’s task was to shoot attacking him from all sides virtual robots.

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HTC Vive Pre look very aesthetically pleasing, and although the game to not see them, then I can imagine this product on the shelf. It is gratifying that even after the half-hour session, their weight was not burdensome, and setting them does not cause problems. There is also a new one, which radically changed how I felt goggles on his head. As for the camera, which is able to display an image of the outside world to the user.

Camera HTC Vive Pre is a real game changer .

For total separation from the world was one of my main objections before the foundation of such inventions to his head. Now, this problem disappears, and HTC Vive Pre connects the virtual world with the real in a new way. With the camera in goggles as soon as we approach the end of the virtual space in which they can play safely, not only see a virtual wall – but also the delicate outline of the environment.

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at any time, you can also force the goggles inclusion of the camera – this is not what true photorealistic transmission, and the reality covered futuristic-looking filter slightly reminiscent of thermal vision, but it’s enough to see where they stand other people in the environment. This will allow you to check the time and incoming calls smartzegarku or … preview where is the cable connecting the goggles and a computer that likes to, unfortunately, sometimes get caught under his feet.

With each show the next version of goggles virtual reality I am under increasing impressed. My enthusiasm quickly fades, however, because … I do not have the conditions to install such a system at home. Not only need to me there was a lot of extra space in the room to play, but I miss the home appropriately powerful computer that would be able to virtual reality to render.

Although who knows, maybe the Prime Minister HTC Vive Pre does not motivate me to upgrade a PC? Time will tell, and shop debut soon!


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