Modified T cells used in patients with end stage acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) resulted in complete remission rates of 94 percent. of them – informs BBC News.
About the spectacular results of the research were announced at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, DC (USA). Although experts do not hide movement, they claim that it is only a small step in the direction of overcoming cancer. In addition, there is a big difference between the treatment of blood cancer and the treatment of solid tumors – such as breast cancer.
Professor Stanley Riddell Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle (US) tested the new method on a group of 34 patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients, where they were ineffective any previously known therapies. They had a chance to live another two to five months.
Since the patients were collected white blood cells – T cells that normally deal with the destruction of bacteria and viruses. These were modified so as to recognize and destroy cells with antigens characteristic of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Then again injected to patients.
As a result, after a single administration of modified-cell leukemia recoiled at 94 percent. patients – could not be found in the body of abnormal cells. This is an unprecedented result in the case of such seriously ill.
The modified cells are still circulating in the bloodstream of patients, looking for possible survivors of cancer cells.
The data have not yet been published in the literature. Two patients died due to turbulent immune response associated with the release of cytokines. Seven further need intensive care. Yes risky treatment (much more than the typical radio- or chemotherapy) could be accepted according to experts, only for people in the terminal stage of cancer, especially since existing therapies help the majority of patients with leukemia. (PAP)
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