Let’s start from the end. Because if we start from the beginning you begin to laugh. They write that after all the idiots do not sow that well, so those who believe in this story. A is unbelievable.
Read also: “Martian” of weapons thanks to science?
The Nigerian scam
What is the Nigerian scam? Imagine this: you receive an email in which someone describes a ridiculous story. Always appear in the huge money, and the sender can not reach without your help. Just enter the data to transfer. The sender is a doctor who has received a grant to study the nephew of a millionaire who inherited the drop, someone persecuted by the authorities. It does not matter. It is important only that the … story sounded ridiculous.
The more ridiculous the more clearly you see one thing: the number. The Nigerian scam always about huge money, some of which may affect your account. A million dollars, two, five, thirty. Just answer the e-mail, enter data and wait.
One can be sure. If you believe in the Nigerian scam you will be a millionaire. For a brief moment, of course, because the Nigerian scam are only a mediator. You transfer money to an account. Your a “dole” you will be paid soon …
Or so you think. Not sure you torn by conflicting feelings, but decided to take a chance. Money in the end passed through your account, any day will affect not “commission” …
The Nigerian scam in space
It was in this way tempted to intermediary in the transfer of money was one of the Internet users, who shared the received e-mail service Anorak . He received an e-mail in which she asks him to help a man named “Dr. Bakare Tunde.” Is a cousin Abacha Tunde, the first African cosmonaut sent to a secret mission in 1990. Cosmonaut it is in trouble, because – just like the hero of “Martian” – stuck in space. Was it abandoned. The employer, however, has not forgotten about him: for 14 years paid
Just to agree to wait for the transfer … show received an email to employees Tax Audit Office, the police and agents of the Internal Security Agency. Certainly believe and do not draw any consequences of money laundering …
How does the Nigerian scam: explain step-by-step
Photo. Ian Barbour

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