Wednesday, February 17, 2016

MWC 2016: Huawei is gearing up to conquer new markets – Virtual Poland

  The Chinese company Huawei has been said a lot of good. Is known not only through smartphones (the world’s third largest manufacturer of these devices), but also because of their modems, infrastructure operator – eg. BTS, software, data centers, cloud services, as well as producing some of the most powerful mobile processors – Kirin. Now, Huawei takes has to target another segment of the market.

 The company will, as every year, present the largest show related to mobile equipment – MWC in Barcelona. CEO suggested just that it can present a completely new kind of device – its first laptop hybrid, which is to be designed for corporate customers. Matebook is to be equipped with a stylus and detachable 12.9-inch display and work under the operating system Windows 10. We can expect that if that happens, it will not be just any device. Portfolio Huawei abounds because in a very strong position, they provide a very large manufacturer experience. Many times in our publications zaznaczaliśmy that, thanks to the firm tone of “made in China” is most synonymous with good equipment.

 Huawei has also presented its new flagship phone called P9. According to unconfirmed information, it is to have a 2.5-GHz processor Krin 955, 5.2-inch Full HD display

and 4 GB of RAM. The device will cost $ 450. We will be present at the conference, Huawei on the eve of the fair MWC, certainly after its completion will tell you what to do with his bag pulled Huawei.

 Recall that on the occasion of the January CES 2016 in Las Vegas, Huawei unveiled the smartphone Mate 8, which has been hailed by the media the most powerful phone 2016 years. Foretold that neither Samsung nor LG will not be able from Snapdragon and Exynos processor match the strength of Kirin.

SLK-WP / chip


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