Monday, February 15, 2016

They program the women better than men? – Virtual Poland

  The researchers noted that the software developed by the women gather on Github better assessment than that created by men, but only if the programmer hides his sex.

 Programming is a field dominated by men. According to a survey of 2,013 years only 11.2 percent. Developers are the representatives of the fairer sex. The researchers decided to test whether, in connection with such disproportion, women are not treated in this industry worse than men solely because of gender.

 Used by 12 million users GitHub is a huge repository of code. Developers can there collaborate on various projects, suggest improvements or solve problems. When a programmer writes code to someone else’s project, its owner can decide whether to accept the offer or reject it. The researchers looked at 3 million applications submitted on the site and found that the software created by women is more accepted (78.6 percent.) Than that created by men (74.6 percent.). Seeking to explain this difference, the researchers analyzed a variety of factors, including They checked if women do not make minor changes to the code or that are ahead of men only in selected languages. On both questions, however, could give a negative answer.

 The researchers then took the opposite action – checked whether women use their minority to promote the work. To answer this question, the researchers separated profiles of programmers from those clearly indicated their sex, from those that hid

this fact. It is here that made a disturbing discovery – when their gender is easily identifiable, the work uzyskiwały worse than men, the level of acceptance by the developers.

 It would seem that important should be the quality of the code, the gender of the person creating it, but as shown in this study, even in the field of women must fight discrimination.


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