Monday, February 22, 2016

Photo Mark Zuckerberg is a symbol of enslavement by technology? “Master and Commander and his subjects” –

Photo immortalized Mark Zuckerberg from the conference Samsung will go down in history not only because for the first time so many people at once moved to virtual reality, They are sitting next to each other. Photography scares symbolism. Master and Commander and his subjects – write some, commenting on a photo. Free, rich people versus them “slaves”, ie users, customers corporations. Here, even more impressive minimalist attire boss of Facebook. Dressed simply, as someone from the street, even without the usual watch on your wrist (not to mention smartwatchu), while the entire room not only wears goggles VR, but still attached to laptops, smartphones, tablets. It’s obvious who is independent and who enslaved. the real freedom will be able to afford only the rich, which could realize their goals and dreams? rest happiness will look for an alternative reality?

Besides, even if we reject the one side second bottom, it still pic concerned. it is not surprising that someone on’ll kick remembered the video Pearl Jam , which foresaw the future:

​​Pearl Jam photo. PearljamVEVO

this is what awaits us? Values ​​were to disappear in the virtual world, forgetting the reality around us and other people?

We like zombies?

Easy, so bad it will not. Peter Gnyp, author of one of the most blogging about new technologies , notes that such accumulation VR rather threatening us:

This promotion equipment at the largest event the cellular business from smartphones and goggles VR. Yes, it looks strange, but also the equipment is not popular, and therefore and the large amount at once is … strange.

Therefore, view the “gang of zombies” as some call the conference participants, on the bus or the pulling range rather we not in danger. Goggles VR is a device that – at least for today – must be connected to the console or TV. and even if you use the smartphone is after all, the battery will not allow to spend the VR too much time. goggles VR are therefore rather another household equipment, such as a TV or laptop.

Read also: One photo shows best where heading our world. Mark Zuckerberg

the same event evaluates Adam Jędrychowski with VR Premium . His company is proof that virtual reality will be used not only for entertainment purposes. It is also the business, advertising or promotion. VR Premium He has, for example, spot for State Forests – information film in 360 degrees on the revitalization of the former polygons. This type of teams in Poland is already a few dozen.

Adam Jędrychowski tells me:

Will really is scary? It shows the people caught up in watching a movie on the VR goggles. And do not just captivating traditional a cinema? Good book? Series at home? The only difference is that the VR goggles cut our senses from the environment to the fullest extent. But this does not mean immediately that human interaction is waiting some destruction. VR revolution will not be much different from the media revolution caused by the dissemination of TV and the Internet. In the everyday life of millions will be just a new medium more attractive than all but consumed in a similar range as in the case of previous technologies. Hour of VR replace just an hour of TV.

Perhaps you have seen pictures of the past, which proves that not much differ from people living in “those, better times.” Once people sitting with his nose in the paper today on your smartphone, tomorrow goggles VR head. nothing new, nothing revolutionary.

Besides, if a similar picture would be impossible to do in the cinema during the premiere of the show, when well-known director comes in, but no one notes, because all viewers staring in the screen?

Paradoxically, the image of the conference Samsung refutes one of the myths of virtual reality – that VR isolates, closes the unreal world, cut off from the real. Although Peter Gnyp says VR viewer is a device for home use, even critics of virtual reality acknowledge that the return may counterparts Internet cafes or lounges with slot machines. But the main attraction will be in them just goggle VR. Why? Because at the moment virtual reality is very expensive. Oculus Rift cost 700 euros, HTC Vive $ 800 Samsung Gear VR theoretically only $ 100, but you must have a compatible phone that manufacturer, which costs from 2.5 thousand zł up. Using VR among the people and entering them interact is therefore possible.

VR is not just entertainment

Yes, there will be exceptions to the rule, some replanted or take advantage virtual reality for strange purposes. But this type of deviations from the norm can be seen today, with computer games, movies, the Internet, or books. – Grunt to go quietly beside sensational warnings and focus on the actual effects of the revolution VR – suggests Adam Jędrychowski of VR Premium – You have to remember that the Virtual reality is not just entertainment , but a chance for the development . surgery, treatment of psychiatric education.

Virtual Reality already treats depression. helps break up sick children from the hospital reality – thanks to Goggles VR young patients Wroclaw hospice for children “moved” to the horse stables. My father saw the birth of her own child being several thousand kilometers away from the hospital, and grandmother wedding granddaughter. the possibilities are amazing, a virtual reality is not just a game or video.

of course, we can say that the plans Facebook VR are terrible. One of the employees social networking giant once said, Virtual reality will be teleport – rather than chat, meet your avatar (which may look like a real man – let’s see, what can the company, which bought Apple) on the beach or a mountain top. Even if it sounds scary, it’s basically the difference between from talking on the phone, Skype or Facebook, where we sit today, and in this way we communicate?

Virtual reality as any other technology is only a tool in our hands. It depends on us how will be used. Therefore, it is not worth draw black scenarios in which disappear in virtual or augmented reality, just focus on the fact that goggles VR and AR were pleasant helper.


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