Saturday, February 27, 2016

The interiors of the Royal Castle in Google Street View – Polish Radio

– In addition to the presentation of works from its collection in the context of exhibitions with a particular narrative, some cultural institutions also offer the possibility to move virtual walks – told PAP Technologies Piotr Zalewski of Google Poland. They are carried out by a team of Google Street View, the same technology as Street View. With such a photo session in the palace of Pod Blacha in a few months you will go to the interiors of the Royal Castle on the platform Google Cultural Institute and Google maps. Pictures are taken using a special trolley Trolley, allowing you to take pictures 360 degrees.


Underestimated and forgotten


– We want to present collections often underestimated or forgotten, which, however, keep in mind, and you should know – told PAP Technologies Aldona Modrzewska, manager Team. Digitizing Collections of the Royal Castle in Warsaw. As emphasized, was the use of new technologies allows you to acquire digital content, which can easily be made available on the Internet. She also noted that from the point of view of the visitors’ counts above all making high-quality images that allow with high precision to give details, details, artistry collections in the Castle “.


The Royal Castle in Warsaw – Museum / youtube


The high popularity among Internet users the ability to see works of art in high detail also told Piotr Zalewski. – Platform gives you the opportunity to view works of art in the so-called. ultra high resolution giga pixel; in this way we can see each touch of the brush painter – he said and added that “one of the most popular images shown in this technology platform is the” Starry Night “Van Gogh, which can be seen in the smallest details.


Peter Zalewski stressed that the activities of Google Cultural Institute is part of Google’s mission, which is organizing the world’s information. – On the platform are both collections of

the most famous museums in the world, as well as museums very niche – eg. African or Asian – which probably would be difficult to reach us personally – he argued.


Digitizing cultural treasures

– The platform is available to all interested cultural institutions, but always requires the cooperation with us – said Zalewski. – Each exhibition created in collaboration with us, so this is not self-service solution, in which eg. A cultural institution itself publishes video platform YouTube. Besides taking care of the quality of your content, you also need to solve, among others, copyright issues, which require the signature of the contract.


The project Google Cultural Institute was established in 2011. And brings together more than one thousand. partners from 70 countries. It provides technologies that help in the process of digitalisation of cultural treasures, archives, heritage sites, etc.. In Poland, the project participates in the 20 cultural institutions, among others, Copernicus Science Centre, Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN and the National Museum in Warsaw.


PAP, kh


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