Wednesday, February 24, 2016

“I like it” ceased to rule supreme on Facebook. Now you can show other emotions –

“I love it”, “Haha”, “Yay,” “Wow”, “sad” and “Pissed off” – this is the “Reactions”.

 Facebook Reactions So far, the thrill of entry other users could express only by clicking on the button “I like it!” or commenting on the entry. Many Facebook users have complained that this significant reduction. In the end, the site often share content that evoke in us anger, sadness, wonder, or just a great joy.

Mark Zuckerberg listened to users and decided to enter the site set of icons specifying individual emotions. Facebook creator emphasizes that work on this solution lasted over a year. It was not just implement the same buttons, but with a precise definition of what emotions they express. New icons have to be universal and understandable everywhere – regardless of their country and culture. Are these really are? Judge for yourself.


how can we take advantage of the new icons? The browser version of Facebook just hover your mouse on the

“Like”. Then, just above it will be a set of six icons, from which we can choose the right one. In the case of mobile application should instead press the “Like” and wait until the menu icons appear on the screen.

Read also: scams on Facebook are increasingly intrusive

It is worth noting, that not all Facebook users can already use the new feature. Facebook introduces it in stages. Therefore, if new icons still with you not there, then you have to be patient.


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