After half a century of research, physicists have discovered a so-called gravitational waves. Their participation in the discovery are also researchers from Polish.
Among the authors of the paper announcing the discovery of gravitational waves, there were nine scientists from the group POLGRAW.
Professor Andrzej Maciejewski , director of the Institute of Astronomy at University stresses in particular the role of astrofizyczki prof. Dorothy Gondek-Ruthinian. – It is one of the main people involved in this program of Polish – said the professor, adding that our country study involved more than a dozen people.
What occupied by Poles?
Vice President of the Academy of Sciences prof. Paul Rowiński adds that the jobs of Poles in the project was to analyze the data obtained from the American detectors LIGO, research astrophysical sources of gravitational waves, the construction of models of signals of gravitational waves, and participation in the development of the detector Virgo – interferometer, which is located in Italy.
How sound gravitational waves?
the Academy of Communication also presents a more detailed description of the work Polish scientists. As we read, they created the basis for many of the algorithms and methods used to detect and estimate the parameters of gravitational waves from binary systems (prof. Dr hab. Andrzej Królak, prof. Dr. Peter Jaranowski), contributed to the precise modeling of the signal gravity wave from a binary system (prof. dr. Peter Jaranowski, prof. dr hab. Andrzej Królak), conducted simulations showing that binary systems of black holes are best detectable by the detectors LIGO-Virgo sources of gravitational radiation (prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Belczynski, prof. dr hab. Tomasz Bulik), studied the astrophysical properties of binary systems (Assoc. Michael Bejger, dr Izabela Kowalska-Leszczyńska, dr. Dorota Rosińska), and sought that may accompany the incident optical flashes (Dr. Adam Zadrożny).
Scientists positions
Stephen Hawking congratulates the discovery team LIGO
In addition, prof. dr. hab. Andrew Królak was a member of the Board of Virgo project and a member of the Data Analysis Consortium LIGO-Virgo and prof. dr. Tomasz Bulik was a member of one of the Committees Review of the Work of the consortium. “Dr. hab. Michał Bejger participated in the verification of numerical codes, which were used to analyze the data, and prof. Dr hab. Andrzej Królak was one of the internal reviewers one of the works depicting the discovery” – calculates the Polish Academy of Sciences.
the project involved researchers from the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Center for Astronomical them. Nicolaus Copernicus Academy of Sciences, National Center for Nuclear Research, and Universities: Bialystok, Nicolaus Copernicus, Warsaw, Wroclaw and Zielona Gora.
Another pair of eyes
September 14 last year Two American Observatory LIGO detectors spaced 3 thousand. km (one in Washington and one in Louisiana) registered almost the same time the signal of gravitational waves coming from the two colliding black holes. Thus, for the first time, it could be observed on the Earth gravitational waves.
The discovery confirms the calculation of Albert Einstein and, according to experts, is as important as the discovery of the structure of DNA or the Higgs boson. This will allow examination of the oldest objects in the Universe, and reaching to the very beginning of our universe.
– Now you will be able to explore the universe a new method and gather information not only by visible light, X-rays or particles, but also just for gravitational waves – says the Polish Radio physicist, Professor Krzysztof Meissner of the University of Warsaw. – It’s like, astronomers have now got another pair of eyes.
IAR / PAP / PAN / ew / fc
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