Tuesday, February 16, 2016

“Rzeczpospolita”: Live human ear with a 3D printer – Interia

33 minutes ago

Printed tissue started working in the bodies of recipients. For now, the tests are performed only on animals – writes “Rzeczpospolita”.

The American scientists printed ear, muscle and bone

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Australian scientists have developed a latex condom with the addition of nanocelulozy obtained in one of the native species of grasses. As a result, they are not only stronger than standard latex condoms, but with a thickness of a human hair. read more

According to the newspaper, American scientists from Baptist Medical Center Wake Forest printed ear, muscle and bone. However, they did not use to the 3D printer, but the device called “Integrated printing system Organs and Tissues” (iTop). It was established to use several types of materials: biodegradable plastic on a rack for an organ or tissue, fluid containing

living cells filling the frame, and a third of the material forming the outer, strong shield – throws it right after the implantation of an organ or tissue.

According to scientists, the biggest challenge when printing tissue is to allow the cells to maintain alive before they mend the recipient organism. Therefore it was necessary to develop a special formulation fluid, wherein the printed drift cell.

preparation of tissues and organs for 3D printers is a very promising medical technology department. The idea behind attempts to print the authorities is to create organs for transplantation.

Article from category: Technauka



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