Saturday, February 13, 2016

Binary systems, and newly discovered gravitational waves – naTemat

Physicists, astrophysicists and engineers team discovered LIGO gravitational waves emitted by connecting, merging into a single binary system of dancing around each other black holes with masses of about 30 solar masses. Were once ordinary but very massive stars. The last moments of their double lives were dramatically short, everything changed in just 1/10 of a second, it can be said that fell on each other a little longer distance in such a short time. All this results from numerical solutions of equations of Einstein’s theory (General Relativity). And now with direct detection, announced February 11, 2016 r. Let me tell briefly (no patterns!) About the theory, discovered the waves, and the broader interview studio Star Spot (after ang.) About science in different countries, stellar and lives for two , planets in binary systems, black holes in star clusters and ultimate finale of massive black holes.

gravity waves, or the theory of relativity in the pellet
gravitational waves are ripples in a vacuum – the fundamental building block of our material world, pompously called the Universe. Really it exaggerated the name, for what it the universe, if we are talking basically about small obserowowalnej part of something much, much bigger. Our world, as thought earlier generations (mine too), linked together by gravity, which slows down its initially very rapid expansion after the Big Bang. We now know that is not so. This is material for a separate story.
At first, people prefer to believe that the world is a stage quite dynamic and chaotic process, but when Atomists jońscy lost the popularity contest with other schools of Greek philosophy in the minds of the people prevailed strange idea that the world at large scale is sluggish, stationary, that nothing with it as a whole does not happen – as it was created as it takes, and was created only 6e + 3 years ago, so no wonder. In more modern times, a lot of people and stirred the Einstein who first understood his theory, which was not easy, for example. Friedman, Lemaitre and Eddington. What does the general theory of relativity, that is the theory of the gravitational field? I will not give the matter can super-strict, but it is useless to us.

Einstein’s theory says something like; time and space are linked in time and space, something that has four dimensions, say x, y, z, t. Einstein’s equations for the spacetime and gravitational field are such that: spacetime can “bend” under the influence of the masses in the spread a bit so as rubber or a trampoline. While the movement of the masses regulates not some “gravity of Newton.” which is almost three centuries had to act immediately and arbitrarily great distance, and so some “witchcraft” by Newton’s by no means clear. On the contrary, gravity is a manifestation of the fact that space is curved, bent by massive objects, the energy is known as the weight, so she bends spacetime. And it actually ends fundamental exposition of Einstein’s theory of gravity – simple, huh?

left to explain what it means in practice ‘curvature’. Well it means that in a curved, not “flat” (Euclidean) space, the sum of the angles of a triangle is not exactly equal to 180 degrees. and that the light rays do not fly in a straight line just turn off in the direction of massive objects like the sun. As if the light was just massive (it is not, but it has energy).

Light of generally not care which way to fly, as long as soon as possible to fly. Such curvature of the path of starlight near the Sun, discovered a gift for Einstein Eddington in 1919. Why a gift? Both were outcasts struggling then recently in the 1st War societies, they were pacifists and kindred souls in the heavily fragmented world.

And these deflection of space-time, which not only doing something unusual with the angles but also with the time – whether they need to be fixed?

Of course not – if anyone has seen a trampoline which the kids leave for a long time fixed?

If the children hold hands and dance around each other in a circle, it corresponds precisely arrangement of double stars without interruption deformującemu material trampolines, creating propagated in infinity spiral shape deflections and undulations (space-time) . These are the gravitational waves that move in accordance with the theory of relativity, the speed of light, which is another field but subject to the same speed limit. Well OPEN we have credit balance.

Dancing on the trampoline we have to give part of their energy on deformation of the flexible material, and the waves rise somewhere that energy. In the case of children, the problem of energy generally is not. In binary systems can, in principle, are its large resources – the lower, ie. Tighter system, the lower is its gravitational energy and total, because the bodies are located in the deeper potential well of energy. Therefore binary systems must emit energy in the form of spiral wrinkles space (vacuum), which must give their energy and spiral strengthen his dance, in fact, more żwawiej until the final act of the collision and combination of ingredients. The total power of gravitational radiation in a short period during the strong gravitational waves when connecting black holes is fantastically high, 50 times greater than all the stars and galaxies in the observable universe.

But the duration is small, hence the total escape power does not exceed 3 solar masses if today announced, after conversion from the formula E = mc ^ 2, ‘E = mc-squared’.

what’s the big discovery?
> Connect threatens in practice, only neutron stars and black holes. Other objects do not cause such profound deflections and waves, loss of energy counter is free and their movement spiral takes a lot longer than the age of the universe (14 billion years, plus or minus a couple of boots). But if there are

black holes in the universe, there are also a pair of them, and from time to time either pair connects.

This observed in September 2015. He joined in during the 1/11 age of the universe back, but so far, it is only now that the wave train came to us from a distance of 1.3 billion light years (14/11 ~ 1.3) . It is not known exactly where he was located arrangement of holes, maybe just more or less in the direction of what the constellation. It is soon to improve.

Many of the LIGO observatory can be read on the Polish wiki page.

The distance calculated from the intensity of gravitational waves. Despite centuries of power, reached us just terribly small amplitude – spacetime rippled so slightly that to detect this fact by using obsewatoium LIGO (target multiple antennas on multiple continents) scientists need to learn something seemingly absolutely impossible: notice Movement distance mirrors LIGO system (by measuring the time of flight of light – that we know how to measure accurately) about 1/1000 the size of a proton (!). Unbelievable, but failed. I think within a radius of 10 km (the same arm of the antenna is 4 km)’re told there off your shoes and walk in socks on your toes!?

This incredibly small change in the distance mirror interferometer LIGO under the influence of waves of gravitational vacuum shows how difficult it was get the first confirmed reception of the waves. The deformation space, procenowe its extension, in terms of antenna wyniosiło only 0.0000000000000000001 percent.

Waves those sought for a long time, hoped that can give a catch already when I was a student (80-85). That’s why, it’s great technical achievement. Opening a new window to the world of gravity, just as 400 years ago opened a window of observation optical (telescope Galileo), and then followed; Astronomy infrared, ultraviolet, radio, X-ray, millimeter, gamma and neutrino (the only nieelektromagnetyczna astronomy already practiced).

Life different binary systems
If someone wanted to listen to a long history, starting somewhere in the middle hour recording broadcast popular science internet station with Toronto, talking about binary systems and planetary systems including dual black holes (like the one announced today), the offer Colleague network with this interview for Star Spot.

Title: “Two is already the company from double stars to black holes – Pawel Artymowicz” and called.

There is a link to an MP3-ki, the URL: planets.

I said there, among others, (44:00) … They [the gravitational waves] have not been found yet; in expect it to happen very soon … “The recording was done on November 2, 2015.

In December, visiting the CAMK (the Copernicus Center Polish Academy of Sciences) and giving a seminar there, I learned the first time in Polish astronomers cooperating with the LIGO that already wkótce will be announced the first results. so I was right desks with intelligence and saying it very soon probably happen.

here’s a table of contents:
14:30 – Introduction
15:15 – the story of my history of astrophysical research in different countries, comparing the work and principles of science financing in several countries
17:40 – Crafoord prize – Swedish “astronomical Nobel prize”
18:15 – Network europoejskie
19: 19 – the popularization of astronomy
2 0:30 – Integrated double stars, how many there are, how to create in open clusters
23:10 – globular clusters and their evolution, the problem of the presence in them of massive black holes
26:14 – As the star dual heat globular clusters and hinder the creation of large czarncyh holes in globular clusters
> 27:30 – yet about the formation of binary stars
29:30 – is the duality of mind appears a binary system? Mechanics impact discs and stars
36:47 – New observations of planetary systems (exoplanets)
40:45 – Black holes in binary systems. The origin and evolution of
42:20 – Type Ia supernovae and neutron stars. Physics, energy
43:54 – Spiral in connection with the emission of gravitational waves. The folds in space and combining par
45:50 – Asymmetric merging of massive black holes. The result of collisions of galaxies
45:40 – The migration of massive black holes after the merger of galaxies and problems in close proximity
47 10 – Is a pair of black holes can live forever?
> 48 10 – parsec internal problem and how to solve it theoretically dynamics of gas
50:13 – as gravitational waves will help you explore the world of massive black holes
> 51:33 – What if you do not find many instances of merging black holes
52:37 – end of the interview


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