Wednesday, May 11, 2016

1,284 new planets discovered by the Kepler telescope. Will we find them life? – Policy

Kepler Space Telescope has discovered nearly 2,000 planets. That’s observations are confirmed. Much more, because few (4-5 thousand. Observation) are called. candidates on the planet.

The idea is that when Kepler observed (these figures are not final, because Kepler has earned them so much that even for years will be analyzed) dimming of stars (ie. method of transit), some almost immediately it is considered as caused by the presence of a planet (or planets), and others do not. Not immediately. These observations need further analyzed by examining, for example, changes in the radial velocity of stars. That is how they these stars, on his way ranging (and these swings are due to gravity orbiting the planet’s).

For a long time we know that candidates for the planet is much more than the planets already discovered, some of which are almost certain candidates on the planet, and others do not. This is nothing new. What is new is only that certain statistical methods have been discovered, as it were in one fell swoop, that more than 1,200 of the group of candidates for the planet is almost certain candidate, said confidence is equal to almost 99 percent.

But this little changes. These planets are usually very far away and we will never be able to not only examine them, but even though to look at them. As a reminder, all are discovered in our galaxy, that the Milky Way. Revolution is the fact (since the Kepler mission) that the planet is in space incredibly much more than this to anyone and ever dreamed of.

Virtually every star from the so-called. main sequence (it is a red, orange and yellow, and yellow-white dwarfs), and these stars is 95 percent. all the stars in the cosmos, a planet, and usually a lot of planets. So the planet is many times more than the stars. And those only in the Milky Way is 200-400 billion.

On the other hand, the Milky Way is a simple, nieogromną galaxy, one of the difficulties in estimating the number of galaxies in the universe. And it makes an impression on almost all researchers

heaven, because if so, it certainly planets similar to Earth and similarly situated with respect to the parent star is so much that even it is difficult to count. OK, but in that case, many such planets also may prevail favorable conditions for the emergence of life, and for some it’s life may already established. It is quite likely. In fact.

That’s the point. Therefore, all these new planets so much interest and excite. The point is, we were not completely alone in the cosmos. It’s about as far as any scientifically credible and convincing assimilation and domestication of this thesis. This search for alien worlds, where conditions are conducive to life, and maybe even have some life, it has become today the holy grail of science of the cosmos. I do not know if it’s good. What to us that there is someone outside of us? What we know about this possible? Does this change anything? Either way we look at ourselves and we can solve the problems digesting humanity? I doubt it.

Most likely, we are not alone in the cosmos, but the chance to find our some alien life is very small. Virtually nil. Few of us that planets in the universe are countless billions. Even the little we come from the fact that some of these planets life indeed exists because these planets are too far away to tell. Furthermore, there are an awfully long time, that is billions of years so life could have on them arise, die again rise again to die and so on.

Hit the moment, which is in full bloom and ready for it to be discovered, it really real lottery. In a word – it is here, it seems impassable problem for us scale distance and time, which does not allow us to alien life rather never discover.


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