Thursday, May 26, 2016

More powerful version of the Xbox One debut in 2017? Slim model will be announced at E3 –

smaller model and a new version  of Xbox One in the next several months? This would  indicate reports of two foreign portals. - The  more powerful version of the Xbox One debut in  2017? Slim model will be announced at E3 - news -  2016-05-26

the smaller model and a new version Xbox One in the next few months? It would show reports from two foreign portals.

Phil Spencer, head of brand Xbox, it is true until recently asserted that Microsoft has no plans to release “Xbox One and a half”, but in the face of more and more reliable about on the PlayStation 4 NEO was difficult to expect that the Redmond giant does not try to match the competition . Indeed, according to two websites, Kotaku, and Polygon, announced at E3 will be a new, smaller model of the console, and the next year we will see a stronger version of the Xbox One.


Model Slim will be about 40% smaller than the current resolution and support 4K video playback . Up to 2 terabytes will increase hard disk drive components will remain unchanged. The premiere of this model is to take place later this year, and the official announcement reportedly live to see the June E3 – or even before.

 are consoles are  already too weak? What will bring the PlayStation  and Nintendo NX 4.5

is consoles are already too weak? What will bring the PlayStation and Nintendo NX 4.5 [6:45]

In less than three years since the launch of next-generation consoles and already preparing changes market next-genes. Is PS4 turned out to be too weak for the needs of the latest technology achievements? What can be PS 4.5? What is Nintendo with its enigmatic project NX?

However, while on Xbox One Slim discussed earlier and in fact a question of time when smaller type will be announced, so

much more interesting information are reports of a new version of the console, code-named Scorpio. It is to debut next year and will be a platform much more powerful than the current: particularly impressive planned increase speed, up to 6 teraflops . That’s more than four times more than now; for comparison, the PlayStation 4 NEO has to operate at a speed of 4.14 teraflops. Changes to the graphics processor. The main objective is to enable the best possible support for virtual reality technology, specifically the goggles Oculus Rift. According to these sources, the new version of Xbox One will also be announced at this year’s E3, the premiere can be expected next year.

console  code-named Scorpio would be the answer to  PlayStation 4 NEO from Sony. - The more powerful  version of the Xbox One debut in 2017? Model Slim  will be announced at E3 - message - 2016-05-26

the console, code-named Scorpio would be a response to the NEO PlayStation 4 from Sony .

Back in March of this year Phil Spencer suggested that the holders of the console Microsoft will have the opportunity to improve the equipment, which gave rise speculation about replacing components on this platform . Soon, however, the head of the Xbox brand has denied the rumors, and soon found that the Redmond giant has no plans to create a “Xbox One and a half”, like the PlayStation 4 NEO. But it seems that Microsoft was not with us until the end honest, and if these reports are confirmed, within several months we get a much more powerful version of the console.

  1. The official website of the brand Xbox
  2. Gropinie – what we think about PlayStation 4K / Neo?

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