yesterday debuted a new, very attractive offer Play – Formula Unlimited on the card. For 25 zł get 30 days package: unlimited calls to cell and fixed, unlimited SMS and 6 GB of mobile internet. But people complain. Why? Because I like to put your hand in the modes of working machines, and then scream that hurts them.
Play shot himself yesterday in the knee ( although probably better fit here a shot in the foot ), and faithful customers in the face. At least consider commenting, who Spider’s Web and blog Play stormily discuss a new offer:
– This is another shot in the face for all loyal customers subscription – says Adrian.
– shot in the knee compared to postpaid offers. It does not pay to sign the contract – says Natalia.
– This offer is killing rental deals postpaid, total well – says Hecol.
– it is a pity that once again gambler have something, a steel faithful abonamentowcy anything – complains mat.
– this offer you show that you have somewhere postpaid customers, only if it’s a good way ? – Asks this one.
On the one hand, I agree with commenting. But only one.
There’s no denying that the cellular important customer is (or at least should be) the customer subscription, he is faithful – sometimes even against their will – to regularly pay the bills and still easy to sell him something extra, push or turn eg. a new, paid and often unnecessary service – see the so-called. playing the waiting. The customer subscription also can not turn around and go to the competition. For telecoms firms are even dream situation, so in the opinion of some, they should take care of such users.
On the other hand, it is difficult to identify with the opinions of the user who put his paw in the modes of working machines, and after that, as urąbało their fingers, Dr. in her lungs, complain all around and demand compassion, interest, and – most importantly – the solution to their problem. And it is with such a situation is when a customer signs a contract for 24 or 36 months, during which both he and the network undertake to cooperate under certain conditions. The rules therefore continues, the customer often uses the smartphone, which bought a promotion for ridiculous money, but … it keeps constant track of changes in the market, surprised, outraged and indignant that the others are better.
A are better, because they chose wiser, free and nienapompowane marketing solution, which is an offer on the card.
Why offer the card is better?
Almost always offer the card are better than plan. This state of affairs affects a number of factors: lower operating costs and customer retention, no need to maintain salons stationary in good locations – virtual operators had to cope without them – no need wkalkulowywania to offer smartphone or other device, which the customer has to pay.
the attractiveness of the offer on the card is supported also by the fact that the customer has not signed any contract in practice can move away from the current operator at any time. Today, number porting to another network is more a matter of hours than days, and the entire process is usually painless – he was doing a good few times.
Therefore, the offer on the card are fresh, change frequently, are full of promotions, and users can use the latest technology. Because these do not always go to the people who signed the agreement for the subscription – see availability (and basically the lack of availability) LTE in the old tariffs. Added to this
Subscription also has its advantages. It allows you to easily purchase a new phone and replace it regularly. In common with subscription packages they are also online, which we can use roaming. Though after the last cut prices for the use of the net in roaming is not overly expensive, even without additional packages. Subscriptions are also convenient because it allows you to easily automate payments, which in the case of offers on the card is not always successful – not every bank allows automatic, monthly refill your account. On the other hand, purchase top-up online or even in an ordinary shop is not particularly onerous, especially since the monthly cost of maintaining services are so low that you can easily buy credit in advance for the entire quarter or even longer.
stick in the spokes
When in 2012 prepaidach appeared first offer a “no limits” were common in the network comments that this solution raises the attractiveness of the offer subscription. And that’s right, breaks without a doubt.
It is surprising, however, is that since then it’s been a few years, another offer on the card became even better, subscribe almost always stayed behind, and all the time there are people that use the subscription and complain about it, what happened to them.
Where have you been for the past years? Where you had mind when podpisywaliście another contract?
In recent years, tremendous successes have had brands like Virgin Mobile, Mobile Vikings, Red Bull Mobile, Plush, whether nju mobile that … until recently did not exist. The resulting completely new brands and brand new companies that provide users with transparent and attractive offers, without the need of signing a contract and binding for years to come. And what’s more, many of them very well prosper.
So, when I see, a few years after that, when the offers on the card came tariffs “no limits” there are still people who complain about it, that gave to catch a subscription, I have before my eyes a picture (uncensored version):
Ogarnijcie people.
Psst! Spider’s Web is on YouTube – look to us and see what we do.

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