Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The smartphone is not PC. I do not believe in the new project Google – Spider’s Web

If the flushed face waiting for Project Ara, you’ve just given to screw in Google marketing machine. Yes, you have every right to complicate your life and turn your smartphone into a PC. I get off this train.

With curiosity I read the reviews and comments on the Project Ara, which is modular smartphone, which Google reminded the I / O 2016. The media coverage is dominated by admiration and hurraoptymistyczne, uncritical approach. “This is a revolution,” “it waited,” “buy, but will be in stores” – write the editors excited.

Smartphones demonstrated that modern technology can be affordable, versatile and easy to use. Project Ara is going to complicate everything.

Motion smartphone, submitted depending on needs like Lego blocks, it is actually a revolution. No one had ever done such a project on this scale. Interchangeable modules we have the LG G5, but Project Ara is this concept to another level.

The question is: why? Project Ara looks like another fad of the rich. Take a few specialists, shut the them in a room together, let’s give them the means to have fun and see what comes up. If you do not work out, it is difficult, most lose some (teen) million, no big deal . How to burn, Wrap it in a nice marketing and selling. If you are not the final consumer, it can business.

I approach Google is the most reasonable. Who is in place, this really goes backwards. Google can actually create a technology useful in a number of specialized industries. Modules with an infrared camera or camera acting on the basis of Project Tango have a chance to succeed in the construction industry and the szerokorozumianym design.

only where these delights ordinary users?

Customers do not like complicated solutions. The thing is simpler and more features, more lines, the better it sells. You do not have to look far. We all know that the revolution was the first smartphone designed for the masses, or iPhone.

Steve Jobs keynote at the memorable 2007 announced that it will show modern music player, a revolutionary device for browsing the Internet and telephone. When the audience realized that talking about one device instead of three separate applause was powerful. Its echoes continue today. The technology adopted to the extent that smartphones today use everyone from school children through their parents, and sometimes grandparents ending.

Smartphones won simplicity, that is, an attitude of “all in one”. Wygryzły are MP3 players, PDAs, and in the end compact cameras. Because after which carry a 5 devices when you can have one?

The same thing happens in the case of computers

Stationary machines they buy only the players and people who earn on these machines, eg. by creating graphics or video. The rest of society has in the nose or in the future will be able to replace the processor, throw in RAM, or maybe insert a new graphics card.

The average user has no idea what is in the computer processor socket, and what kind of interface It uses the motherboard to connect to the drive. The average computer user wants a fast, quiet and smooth.

That’s why each year falling sales of desktops. With laptops it is not rosy, because portable computers also record declines, but even in weaker years sells them much more than stacjonarek. According to IDC estimates, last year sold 163.1 million laptops and desktops 113.6 million.

He recently chose a new laptop. We deliberately chose a computer that has

virtually zero expansion capabilities. This was not a priority. The machine had to be mobile and had a long run on batteries. And so it is.

Skoro we do not want to play in the replacement of motherboards and processors, where the idea that we will replace the DAC smartphone?


I do not really see a scenario in which before leaving home I wonder if put to a smartphone module with a better camera, or with a better transmitter audio. for the same reason, not completely I buy the idea of ​​modularity LG G5.

As a photographer before every major departure or order I have a dilemma regarding the lenses that I should take it. Do you have to be wider and darker, or perhaps more clearly and narrowly? is useful for something longer ? I think that anyone who photographs, knows what I mean.

in the end, taking a heavy bag all (if you’ll be prepared …), and on-site do not use even half of the equipment. I dream about one universal lens that will cover the range of ultraszerokokątnego angle, the tele, with a very bright light. Unfortunately, physics does not allow for the design of such a lens.

Meanwhile, the world of technology has been their devices, “all in one”, which now Google wants to complicate it. Not the way to go.

How many people, so many needs. These photographers are artists, they are developers, they are music lovers. Each of these groups might like to have a smartphone, which puts pressure on some other elements. It’s just that manufacturers have long been have utensils set on the data of users.

You do a lot of notes, and the smartphone is your portable computer? Buy Samsung Galaxy Note. Do you carry a possible good camera? Select Galaxy S7, Huawei P9, G5 LG, HTC iPhone 6s or 10, depending on your preference. Do you love a good audio quality? Select LG V10 or go crazy and buy Marshall phone.

The market does not need complications. Today we have a great selection. Now simply expand each path, and create the best technology ever cheaper to each flagowcu put all the best.

If Google wants to complicate smartphone, let him do it. Only I warn today – I do not I’ll lay it on a dime. I am fully convinced that, like most consumers will react.


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