Sunday, May 15, 2016

Marches for Life and Family in 140 Polish cities. In Warsaw, gathered 1,000 people. “Every life is … – Virtual Poland

• In the 140 Polish cities held Marches for Life and Family

 • signatures are collected under the project which assumes universal protection of life

 • May 15 is celebrated the International Day of Families

“Every life is priceless” – this is the motto held in Poland Marches for Life and Family. Before the statue of Copernicus in Warsaw, attended by about a thousand people, mostly parents with children but also extended families. The march set off toward Park Casimir, where he completed a family picnic. Participants emphasized that the march is for them a joyous event, an opportunity to express respect for every human life – from conception to natural death.

Parents of young children emphasize that being a family of many children is not pathology, but the gift, and great happiness for parents and benefit to society. Manifesting also say that they are opposed to euthanasia, which is acceptable in some European countries.

 The organizers of the march collect signatures for the initiative “Stop Abortion”, which aims to introduce the Sejm a draft law completely banning abortion.

Marches for Life and Family in 140 Polish cities

President of the Center for Initiatives Support for Life and Family Paul Kwaśniak said earlier that the manifestations are joyful event emphasizes the value of life from conception to natural garbage. – Through the joyful manifestation of these values ​​we wish to remind the government and the public that the family should be more appreciation – says Kwaśniak.

As pointed out by Paul Kwaśniak, the life of every human being, even the unborn, “it is an undeniable value that should be recognized and protected by the legal system.”

The International Family Day celebrated on May 15, was established by the UN General Assembly in 1993.

wishes of the presidential couple

In families we learn of life, responsibility for others, a special kind of love; International Day of Families is a moving feast – say the president and first lady in the video greeting for Polish


In the recording made available on Sunday at the Presidential Office, Andrzej Duda emphasizes that there are few words that would induce so warm connotations as the word “family”, and family home for us is often the most important place on earth.

– Today we celebrate the International Day of Families. It’s a beautiful, touching celebration. We give all Polish families best wishes – says Agata Kornhauser-Duda.

Presidential couple highlights: – It is in the family life we ​​learn. We learn responsibility for others. Respect for the elderly. Accepted values ​​close to our fathers and mothers. I pass them on. We learn patience (…) But above all, we learn a special kind of love. Let us remember that for many of Poles care of loved ones connected with enormous dedication.

– The sincere words of appreciation addressed today to parents who are raising children with disabilities. I express our deepest respect for all those who deal with their parents, in the autumn of their lives – says Andrzej Duda and Agata Kornhauser-Duda.

Andrzej Duda ensures that as president he will do everything to ensure that Polish families a decent life and financial stability. – This is to be among recently launched a program of 500 plus, and my bill lowering the retirement age – he adds.

The Communication placed on the website of the office of President reminds that on Sunday in many cities passed marches for life and the family, which the organizers want to raise awareness that every person, regardless of physical, spiritual or material, He has the right to life. Also informs that during the marches and crowning them of meetings and picnics will be collected signatures for a draft legislative initiative “Stop Abortion”, which introduced a total ban on abortion.


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