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Maria Czubaszek (Paul MAŁECKI)
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After studying at the University of Warsaw Maria Czubaszek started working in Polish Radio. After six years of work on channel passed in 1966 to Three.
Maria Czubaszek censorship: It was necessary to combine
in the January interview with "Election" Maria Czubaszek recalled:
- I started to write in the times of censorship. You had to really combine to this censorship somehow cleverly circumvented. With the cabarets then not cooperated, moreover, few of them were, I wrote a rather abstract things. As on every subject, the two schools. Some believe that as officially no censorship, no it just can write anything and this is a wonderful thing for people dealing with satire, especially political. But I rather belong to the second group. Once I even Janek Pietrzak talked about this. He believed that the censorship it was a terrible thing, and I - that affect the quality of the texts, however, because they did something to pass through her eyes, the text had to be more polished. Wrote the allusions, not beating right between the eyes.
Maria Czubaszek wrote satirical texts and plays for the famous actors who then were issued in the "Illustrated weekly entertainment." Led programs: "Run
Maria Czubaszek is also the author of the lyrics including music Andrzej Dabrowski, Janusz Koman and Henryk Majewski.
Her lyrics sang, among others, Alibabki, and Ewa Bem, Catherine Cerekwicka, Andrzej Dabrowski, Renata Kretówna, Ewa Kuklińska, Grazyna Łobaszewska, Grzegorz Markowski, Krystyna Prońko, Ryszard Rynkowski, Trubadurzy or Vox.
Maria Czubaszek of death is terrible for those who are
Maria Czubaszek also created for television. She co-created, among others, scenarios for the TV series "Heart of a Dog," "On the Common" or "Ugly". She was a member of the editorial "HBO stand," she also regular participation in improvised cabaret "heirs". Czubaszek was also a constant commentator "glass shop" broadcast on TVN 24.
In 2009, Bogdan Zdrojewski awarded the Gold Medal "Gloria Artis".
In 2012, in an interview with Agnieszka Kublik Maria Czubaszek that spoke of death:
- a death is terrible for those who remain. I believe that after death there is nothing, absolutely, finally, after the ball. So I will not suffer. While terribly I would be afraid of suffering before death. My beloved Woody Allen said: "I am not afraid of death, but I wish I was not there when he coming after me." Today is prolonged human life. That's good. But if you want to prolong someone's infirmity and old age, I ask: why? I answer: I do not want to live. So that I had to change diapers. So as I live longer feel I should have the right to stop.
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