Saturday, May 21, 2016

Global experts alert antibiotics no longer work – Polish Radio

Around the role of drugs in sexual life we ​​have accumulated a lot of misunderstanding, which we explained in the program Photo: Pixabay / Jarmoluk

His achievements described in the prestigious weekly magazine “Nature”.

Antibiotics consist of many different molecules. The secret of success is how I choose. The trouble is that to change just one element in a long chain, you need every time you build it from scratch. And it takes time and money. But there is another way, says the weekly “Nature” study author Andrew Myers.

Instead of building a house of one Lego block at a time, you

can divide the work into two parts. One person build half of the house, the other person – the other half. And then to fold up; This is the so-called convergent synthesis. So very effectively builds the needed structure.

Doctors emphasize that today’s antibiotics are overused and bacteria cease to react. Therefore an urgent need for new classes of antibiotics.



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