Thursday, May 12, 2016

Internet new tool to fight depression – Polish Radio

The application that can help runners avoid the risks associated with air pollution, took first place in the competition programming – NASA Space Apps Challenge. She was one of the three applications that were awarded in the competition ended on Sunday.

NASA Space Apps Challenge is a marathon kilkudziesięciogodzinny programistyczno science conducted under the aegis of NASA – the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The two-day competition, which is one of the largest projects of this type in the world – was carried out at the National PGE in Warsaw. The aim of the initiative is to develop for example. Application and data visualization platform, useful in research and space exploration.

The jury each of the local hackathonów admits the two main prizes for the authors of the best projects. Winners from around the world will appreciate then NASA experts, who will select 25 best ideas. Their authors will be invited to the United States to close the final NASA Space Apps Challenge.

Of the eight presented on Saturdays and Sundays solutions Polish jury chose the three most interesting. Two best teams will assess now NASA experts, and the third will also take part in an international Internet voting, which also gives him a chance to participate in the global finals.

Most points awarded team Extremely Genius Geeks, whose members prepared the application Lungs Watcher . It can be useful runners suffering

eg. Allergies. The user enters the application, among others, data about their health condition and the planned route of the race. The application will show, with which air pollutants will have to be reckoned with while overcoming the distance or indicate an alternative route.

The next place was taken by team Europe Team in Warsaw. He presented the idea to the service, which on the one hand, enables Internet users reporting that in a given place, eg. Teary eyes or a sneeze, you can see airborne dust or dust. On the other hand, people who use this solution will be able to find out whether the site they chose eg. For camping, there are many such cases, which may indicate eg. Air pollution.

The third place went team composed of students of Warsaw University of Technology and the University of Warsaw, who prepared the application-game Astro-Zorya. Users of the player will have to provide conditions for the survival of the virtual astronaut, who is on Mars. Co-organizers of the NASA Space Apps Challenge in Poland are school programming Coders Lab and software house Visuality. The strategic partner of the event, providing work space, a Business Link.



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