Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Assistant Google and Google Home – smartphone, watch, house understand what you’re saying –

Sundar Pichai , the head of Google, presented at the conference Google I / O 2016 which began today in the US, the new tool. Name Google Assistant perfectly captures his character. Like Siri or Cortana has to answer questions. Built-in system, integrated with the search engine is to be a universal tool for searching information.

Google understands what you’re talking about

Its most important feature is the understanding natural language. This means that once started a conversation on any subject can be carried out using for example. Pronouns. Assistant understands Asked Questions and the like, “What the cinema today,” responds by displaying a list of available sessions in the area. Our search can clarify by saying “This time we go with children.” Assistant understand the context – again displays a list of films adapted to the new criteria. We can continue the conversation by asking, “Is Angry Birds is worth a look?”. The application will show us the reviews and made just the trailer. When I say “Play it to me,” understand what we mean – no need to say, “Play me a trailer for Angry Birds.”

Assistant also understand situations in everyday life. When we do image will be able to ask “what is.” We get the answer – for example. “This sculpture designed by Anish Kapoor.” We will be able to continue the conversation by saying for example. “Show me his other work” etc.

The service will be accessible from both the smartphone and smart gadget such as a watch. But not only. Use the Assistant will also be possible using the new device presented during the conference.

Google Home – the center of the intelligent home.

This superinteligentny speaker who understands voice commands. As smartphone or SmartWatch is to understand natural language. According to Google, this means that will allow completing tasks started using a smartphone or computer.

 Google Home Fig. Google

Google Home apart from the speaker also has a miniature LCD display confirming communication. The device is similar in operation to Amazon Echo . Playing music is one of

its main tasks. He can play it by voice commands, it can also be a speaker for smartphone – the transfer of music looks like to send to your TV with Smart TV.

The device is also be a tool to control the house. Setting an alarm, air conditioning, lights, the selected devices will be possible from the smartphone. This is similar to the concept of SmartThings presented by Samsung.

Since Home has mediate in collaboration with the Assistant will perform tasks in the real world – such as ordering flowers or food. It also allow you to search for information. Google reiterates that the search has to be complicated, based on natural language. With Home you can talk – shows that following the recording.

Home has also collect information about you (with his consent). Will be able to track the courier, flights, meetings and any other type of personal information that we can ask as of the date of establishment of NASA. The new tool Google is, in a sense, the evolution of Google Now.

Smartphones increasingly important in our lives

According to Google 50% of inquiries Chrome are sent smartphones. 20% of them are voice query. Voice communication is therefore the most popular. Fortunately, with Google Assistant you will also talk lyrically with the new Communicator Google Allo.

Clearly, the Internet giant is trying to achieve a new level of performance mainly thanks to artificial intelligence. Algorithms, which for years learn to recognize speech and images behind the potential that lies in both the Assistant and Home.

From the Polish perspective, a new feature seems to be obviously somewhat distant, clearly shows however, where it is going Google, Android and smartphones. The boundaries between devices a sighting loose, instead of writing we will talk to the ubiquitous assistant. Only as we need to get used to the presence of an invisible, digital person.


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