Friday, May 27, 2016

Less illegal software in Poland, its value is 447 million dollars (infographics) –

In 2007, 2011 and 2013. Indicator of the use of illegal software amounted to 57 per cent., 53 per cent. and 51 percent.

The estimated, the total market value of illegal software used in Poland in 2015. amounted to 447 million USD (536 million USD in 2013.).

The change in Polish index – according to research firm IDC, co-founder of the report – affect the trends observed in the country: a flat in terms of price personal computer market, a relatively long lifetime of purchased equipment, the decline in interest unbranded devices are often equipped with software of dubious origin and the increasing popularity of licensed software among companies and businesses.

the study, which was attended by private users, iT managers and computer users in businesses and corporations confirm that unlicensed software is still in widespread use. However, the use of it is a risky game. This is due to the close relationship between unlicensed and malware, and thus the threat of cyber attacks. The costs of malware infection are enormous – only in 2015. Cyber ​​attacks cost the company the world’s total of more than $ 400 billion.

39 percent. software installed in 2015. on computers worldwide was not properly licensed. This represents a fall compared with 43 per cent. recorded in the previous survey BSA 2013.

Also, in some critical sectors pointer use of unlicensed software is quite high. For example, in sectors such as banking, insurance and securities trading amounts to 25 percent.

The directors responsible for the IT environment estimate that 15 percent. staff installs the software in the company’s network without their knowledge. But even they do not appreciate the scale of the problem, as 26 percent. employees admits that installs unauthorized software company network.

Ironically, in the light of these figures, the study shows a high awareness of the problem. The directors responsible for the IT environment claim that most worried at the prospect of losing critical data due to breach network security. They also claim that avoiding cyber threats is a key reason why care about is that the software used in their networks were legal and

fully licensed. Moreover, in a broader survey among employees, 60 percent. of them indicated the risks associated with unlicensed software as a key reason for the decision to switch to legal and fully licensed software.

the highest overall percentage of unlicensed software is in Asia and the Pacific (61 percent.), a decrease of 1 point. percent. in comparison to report the BSA 2013. The second in order of the highest rate was recorded in Central and Eastern Europe (58 per cent. – a decrease of 3 points. proc.), and the third in this respect the region is the Middle East and Africa (57 per cent. – a decrease of 2 pts. per cent.). The region with the lowest rate (17 percent.) Remains North America, where it represents a significant commercial value ($ 10 billion). On the other hand, in Western Europe, the overall index fell by 1 point. percent. compared to 2013. and now stands at 28 per cent., and the overall EU average is 29 percent.

Research Global Software Survey, published this year titled “Using opportunities through compliance with the licenses” ( “Seizing Oportunity Through License Compliance”) is carried out every two years at the request of BSA | The Software Alliance by research company IDC. At the beginning of 2016. Study involved personal computer users from 32 markets, including more than 20 thousand. consumer and business users and nearly 2.2 thousand. directors and managers responsible for the IT environment in their organizations.

Author: km

Learn more: illegal software piracy, BSA software Alliance


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