Monday, May 16, 2016

Determined movement: Chrome forgets about the existence of Flash – Spider’s Web

Women in technology are present, but the unit is still successful raisins in the male group. We analyze the report commissioned known as experts, which reflects disparities in employment in the technology sector, depending on gender.

The report Women in technology shows that representatives of the fair sex have the desire and abilities to deal with the teachings strict, but still mark their in this sector its presence to a much lesser extent than men. The document attempts to present the present state, identifies the cause of disparities in employment and seeks to answer the question, what benefits will deal with this problem.

Women in technologies - analysis report

Women in technology – who is responsible for this report?

the report was commissioned by the social initiative known Ekspertki to promote the presence of women in public debate and in the media. on Friday evening was a gala inaugurating the report at the National Audiovisual Institute, which is one of the patrons of the report.

for the preparation of the document corresponds to the Institute of Innovative Economy, and his editorial staff responsible Agnieszka Sznyk, Antoni Bielewicz, James Karasek. Speak wrote, dr. Wacław Iszkowski, President of the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications. Among the partners of the report mentioned there are also companies such as MasterCard, Orange, PwC, IIG and Google.

Women in technologies - analysis report

Top 10 women in the technology sector

the technology sector is without a doubt the domain of men, but women, even though they are in the minority, marked in it clearly their presence. You can recall many a specialist whose talents and skills work for the development of all sectors of the economy, reaching into historical studies in the first half of the nineteenth century.

As mentioned during Friday’s gala, which also stressed Vaclav Iszkowski in his foreword on IT industry has left its mark many prominent representatives of the fair sex. In the next part of the report outlines the biographies of some of them, and the President of the Polish Chamber of Information mentioned such names as:

  • Augusta Ada King (Countess of Lovelace, considered the first programmer of the world);
  • Joan Clarke (English mathematician, who worked with Alan Turing in the construction of the first computer decrypt German messages of Enigma);
  • Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler (has developed a unique system of control torpedoes by radio waves, which today is the basis of communication mobile phones);
  • Grace Murray Hopper (Rear Admiral, which is very important achievements in the field of programming languages, especially Cobol).

report shows the silhouettes of hundreds of women.

the document prepared for the shows are known as experts from the Polish one hundred women occupying high positions in the technology sector. This list is intended to show that the representatives of the female population can boast of a huge and significant successes.

At the ceremony inaugurating the report is a list of the Top 10 women among those mentioned in the study. The first three are Alice Wieck (Managing Director, SAS Institute Poland), Magda Taczanowska (Director, Public Sector, Microsoft Poland) and Catherine Szymielewicz (President of the Foundation Panoptykon).

Women in technology - known Ekspertki  presenting & # x105; the results of the  report

the author of the second part of the preface is Magdalena Gaj.

President of the Office of Communications electronic his speech starts by mentioning Jill Marlow, ie, an engineer employed by NASA. This is an example that sex should anyone stand in the way of implementing the chosen career path. Gaj sees the need to encourage young girls to learn and develop professionally in the area of ​​science and technology , which include-reaching science.

Introduction to the report, women in technology precedes a statement Bozena Leśniewska, which is a member of the board of Orange Poland. He notes that in its company diversity among employees is part of a long-term HR strategy. Marks that minimize disparities among employees based on gender is just one of the areas – the company makes sure that employment in the Orange could also find people with disabilities and age.

Swoje comments on the report placed the representatives of MasterCard and initiatives known Ekspertki.

Bartosz Tsiolkovsky, or CEO of Polish branch of MasterCard Europe, boasts a high proportion of women in areas closely related to the technology. Selects the fact that the fight against disparities applies equally to areas of employment, salary and development opportunities.

Subject finances moves too Joanna Pruszyńska-Witkowska, which is the initiator of the project known Ekspertki who is also the chairman of the board Headlines Porter Novelli. as noted, the report Women in technology is another such document after analyzing the situation of women in the financial industry from 2015.

Women in technologies - analysis report

the role of women in the world of technology.

the initiative known Ekspertki together with the Institute of Innovative Economy have to do more than describe the current situation. Their report Women in technology is designed to identify the causes of this state of affairs, and also provides a list of so-called. good practices that are able to facilitate the elimination of disparities.

In the foreword of the report the President of the Polish Chamber of Information, Vaclav Iszkowski, mentioned women historically deserved for the technology sector. The document lists several women standing at the forefront of the world’s great companies. These were names like Marissa Mayer of Yahoo, Safra Catz of Oracle and Susan Wojcicki from YouTube.

This is unfortunately still only exceptions.

Although there are no professions of work-related mental limitations conditioned by the physical characteristics – eg. in the industry budowlnej or mining – that men in the technology sector is statistically several times more than women. Only 20 per cent. representatives of the fair sex full of this sector in the workplace managerial function.

Women in technologies - analysis report

a similar situation is observed also in the world of finance, but the average for other areas is as much as 45 percent. Women in the appendix often decide to leave your job and break careers in the mid and change industry. Looking globally women occupy only 25 per cent. of posts related to information technology.

Statystyki look worse, apparently, several large and influential countries.

In the United States, this percentage is 24 percent. In Sweden and Canada amounts to 22 per cent. – in the UK only 18 per cent. In the case of such companies as Facebook and Google the percentage of employed women is slightly more than 30 percent. In this area stands out Yahoo – where the percentage is 37 percent.

the biggest corporations engaged in technology, despite many efforts to diversity employment – understood by differentiation teams in terms of not only gender, but also race,

culture and other characteristics socjospołecznych are not able to equalize rates.

Women in technologies - analysis report

Women are not interested in technology?

the fact that representatives of the female sex as a rule, are not interested in this sector, is nonsense – but this interest does not translate into a choice in terms of further education. Women drop out of education in this direction and perform professionally in a different way.

While up to 74 percent. girls show interest in science, it is only 17 percent. graduates of scientific studies is female. In the United States, moreover, this percentage has fallen over the last 30 years, and despite the efforts disparities grow.

W Poland in 2014, the percentage of graduates degree in computer science even lower and amounted to only 13 percent.

Slightly better is the case of women graduates in the fields of engineering and technology, where they account for 27 percent. all graduates. Where you look, women are in the minority, and this does not apply only to choose the direction of education.

Women in technologies - analysis report

statistics have to translate that kobity only 9 per cent. of all application developers in Europe. Even worse is the case of managerial positions, because in the US they are 14, 3 per cent. of all staff of the central government.

The supervisory boards of women is only 17.3 percent.

The boards can find them only 10.6 percent. women, and as president in companies in the ICT sector for 19 men for only one representative of the female sex. These data are alarming – especially in the context of the global world of women is more clearly more than the representatives of the male gender.

it is also lean on the problem of disparities in wages. Wage gap, according to the personnel consulting company Sedlak & amp; Sedlak, in the case of job development in 2015 amounted to 10 percent. The average salary of programmers to 6300 zł gross – respectively 5 748 zł for women and 6400 for men zł.


Bariery causing disparities in employment by gender can be divided into general and specific to the ICT sector.

Low ratio of women in positions related to science, including a huge difference in the percentage of women and men in positions of leadership can not be regarded as something natural. but we can not forget that one of the main barriers General hindering women to pursue professionally – regardless of industry – is to combine a career with the roles of wife and mother.

More than half of Poles think that motherhood makes it difficult to find a job – especially in sectors where the development of key competencies to practice gains throughout the period of employment. motherhood is mentioned by 37 per cent. of the women as the reason for leaving work – other reasons include the need to take care of the elderly in the family – 24 percent.

This is not the horses barriers General.

the problem for women considering a career in the ICT sector are unfortunately harmful stereotypes. It is believed that “women are different from men, they are less available, bold and effective, and also have different motivations, so it can not be good managers.”

Women in technologies - analysis report

the low representation of women in managerial positions due to their stereotypical perception. the need to” overcome additional barriers to mental organizations and their environment “makes it representative of the female sex are less interested in such a career path .

it also happens that women exclude themselves.

Women also overly critical of the evaluations of their competence. Such opinion expressed by Dr. Renata Italy – sociologist and coordinator of the program “Jobs & amp; Skills for the Future” in the Laboratory of Digital Economy / DELab UW. in tests, mathematical competence both sexes have similar results, but the path careers in science, technology, engineering or math considering every fifth teenager and only one twentieth of a teenager.

Another problem are the barriers specific to the ICT sector. In enterprises over the years, men shaped the culture of work, resulting in the so-called. “Isolationism”. The report Women in technology detects the origin of this phenomenon in times of scientific laboratories. To this day it happens that women are excluded from the “informal network of collaborators” and may complain about the lack of support from superiors – the most just of men.


equal opportunities are real benefits for the economy.

Numerous studies confirm that varied teams are more effective and have a greater creativity in finding solutions. the desire to eliminate disparities is therefore not an end in itself, and the action in this regard determine economic reasons:

“in companies where management positions women work, the rate of return on equity is 35 per cent. higher, and the overall rate of return for shareholders is 34% higher than in other organizations of comparable profile market.

technology companies managed by women:

  • are more cost-effective;
  • reaching a 35% higher return on investment;
  • to about 12 % higher revenues than companies managed by men.

business Benefits flowing from the fact that a woman is in a management position, you will see the technology startups. These founded and developed by women need on average one-third less capital and produce an average of 12 percent. higher income than those for whose creation are responsible men.

How did take these differences?

  • leadership model adopted by women is better suited to the new requirements of the economy;
  • easier for women than men come to combine the rigors of logical thinking to free inference based on intuition;
  • women better predict the effects of its own activities and the immediate environment, and care more about the staff and the atmosphere in the company.

as you continue to read in the report Women in technologies, representatives sex “better cope well with the management of projects based on cooperation, communication and sharing of resources, and therefore the operation according to the rules typical for the twenty-first century economy.”

W the report quoted a statistic, that the approx. 80 per cent. final buying decisions made by customer correspond to just women.

The representatives of the fair sex in addition solve problems “in a more complex and holistic.” It takes into account a broad context and situation. A diverse team is in addition better able to predict the expectations of customers with heterogeneous target group.

Reducing disparities in employment may, according to the calculations of experts, translate into an increase in global GDP of 12 trillion dollars. 2025. The ICT sector in addition will need in the near future a greater number of qualified specialists – shortage may reach up to 900 thousand. workers in Europe alone by 2020.

Raport Women in technology is available for free in PDF format, which can be downloaded from the Institute of Innovative Economy.


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