It seems that introduced some time ago DRM acted on equipment users to VR, like a red rag to a bull.
Revive previously helped run only legal copies of games. After the sudden introduction of DRM developers patches decided to allow players to run illegal versions. A few days ago Oculus against the promises put in his shop DRM through which holders of other headsetów than Rift can not enjoy the games legally purchased Oculus Store.
Developers Revive, modification authorizing the firing of legally purchased production using other equipment, found at last a solution to this problem – and certainly do not like it firm Palmer Luckey. Here’s what he had to say to the media author of the program, Libre VR: “An earlier version of Revive simply took functions Oculus Runtime and translated them into commands OpenVR. The new version Revive uses the same technique to circumvent oculusową method of checking whether someone has a legal game “.
Libre VR notes that do not support piracy and asks users to use legal copies, but you know how it sometimes with such requests. However, after the Palmer Luckey on behalf of Oculus said six months ago these words … “If people buy from us the game, I do not care if it will be the fashion to launch it on any hardware. No matter what they say now different wheels mutual admiration, I said a million times that our goal is not profit associated with tying people to our equipment. “
… doubtful that all users of VR felt obliged to honest behavior. What to do.

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