Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Do not offer to the card, and the subscription is now forte Play? It looks – Spider’s Web

Comedy, vlogs, reflections, travel – all of this can be found in the films Chris Gonciarz that a few days before he got the title of National Geographic Adventurer of the Year Online! See what he had to say Spider’s Web.

Krzysztof Gonciarz is one of the most famous figures of Polish YouTube. If you do not know, let me make alone in his style of talk about what he does:

Chris operates two channels on YouTube that quality beat everything else on this platform appeared in the Polish language. One seriously, which recently began to appear daily vlogs from living in Japan and a second comedy – Ask a barrel.

A few days ago Christopher was honored by the magazine National Geographic Traveler’s Online title. According to the chapter itself as “attractive relocation trip to the virtual world and the creative use of social media.”

The Polish stage artists do not find the person who on this award merit more.

what I do not seem to me to be “traveling” in the sense that we usually associate with National Geographic. I move mainly in big cities, in a very safe and developed part of the world. I am glad, however, delighted that my work was so appreciated, showing places of interest for many years been my passion – said Chris Gonciarz in an interview with Spider’s Web.

Indeed, Tokyo, where Christopher lives and founded Tofu Media, it is one of the largest metropolises in the world. However youtube’owym channel can also watch movies from other places in Japan, Korea, but also Indonesia.

In the next week we’re going to a conference on blogging Sri Lanka, later the United States, where we will be in California and Colorado. Traveling is not the core of my business, at this point, the company’s development in Japan is more important, so I have to spend here most of their time – draws plans Gonciarz.

Watching his films, we have a whole overview of travel situation, in which we want to do interesting stuff in a new place. We see logistical problems, accidents, delays, hours on the train and queues. Productions Gonciarz is not a great movie set, where over every detail supervised by a team of specialists. It is the work of two people – the Christopher and cooperating with him Kasi.

I always have organizational problems, which is why I prefer to travel with someone than alone. When I record movies, I live in this little limbo, I’m so focused on recordings and emerging keep the narrative, it makes a live impression of a very thoughtful – describes Chris.

When you as strangers arrive in a new place it is very difficult to us to avoid tourist traps. These, however, do not meet too many movies Gonciarz. It is in them rather focus on everyday life, to show how it looks

normal life of the Japanese or Koreans.

I lived in Japan, partly because I was interested in the daily life of the Japanese people, such that it is hard to see while here on vacation. Because the Japanese do not go around noon thoughtfully to the temple, only to spend two hours on a tea ceremony. Real life is a sandwich with a fried egg with Lawson, beer in Yoyogi Park during the season of cherry blossoms, lifestyle while in a hurry and in a perpetual hurry, and filled with wasted time seemingly unnecessary detail. These things interest me much more than a visit to Kyoto – says Gonciarz.

The rejection of the European ethnocentrism, and treat people from other countries not as a part of the landscape, and as equals, is the most important factor differentiating rating from tourists.

During the visit to Taiwan made quite an impression on me that the national identity of this country has developed relatively recently, in the last 20 years. For decades after Taiwan lived a vision that “recover” the real China. Apparently, only recently the people there began to feel that, in principle, is the island of Formosa quite nicely, and should focus on creating something new, reject this difficult past. It’s an interesting point of view, if you observe it as a European, where countries are bidding for it, which existed for more that five hundred years ago conquered whom, who first introduced some social changes, and so on – notes Gonciarz.

Throughout the world for the phase and Hitchhiker’s Guide to Kolyma, which is more and more good channels travel to the Polish YouTube.

the Polish YouTube begins to appear more and more developers who travel and show their vicissitudes want to make way for life. Why do I recommend just above two channels?

The first is the “traveling sebixa to scorch.” Przesympatyczny David hitchhiking and very niskokosztowo travels through Asia. Without finding there a deep analysis of visited places. However, it is very funny.

The second channel is more focused on survival and the countries of the former Soviet Union. Adventures of Misha is a great guide for someone who wants to follow in his footsteps.

PS At the end I’ll fly your own travel blog, which has been almost two years run on the pages of Spider’s Web. It will be useful to you especially if you choose to Southeast Asia.

* The main image comes from the pages of Christopher Gonciarz on Facebook.


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