Thursday, May 19, 2016

Kożuchowska remembers deceased Halina Skoczyńską: “It was an honor to play with you!” –

The news of the death of the actress Halina Skoczynski saddened all but the most loved ones and those who knew her well. To this group belonged Kożuchowska Margaret, who played the daughter of deceased celebrities. How Kożuchowska recalls Skoczyńską?

Halina Skoczyńska gone May 17 because of a stroke . Actress some time we could enjoy the show , where she played a crazy grandmother pociesznych kids and mother Natalia, in which plays Margaret Kożuchowska . Kożuchowska no secret that the news of the death of friends from the plan was for her a terrible shock. She decided to pay tribute to Skoczyński on your Facebook.

– Halina! I believe that dazzle talent and beauty where you are now . Rodzinka without you will never be the same! It was an honor to play with you! Thank you! – wrote on her profile star. Fans of both

actresses joined the memories and expressed their mourning.

See Halina Skoczyńska died alone. Without a son and ex-husband?

 Super Express TV



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