issued a few days commercials Robert Mountain as a newsagent encourages players to dress in the colors referring to the logo Plus, Play and T-Mobile to have gone to the Orange Card. The campaign emphasizes that the conditions in this tariff (after recharging for 26 zł: unlimited calls and SMS to all networks for 31 days and, and 6 GB Internet package for 30 days) are more attractive than similar offerings competing networks.
the spots will also appear humorous allusions to advertising Play with celebrities, plus the saying “Bravo I” and T-Mobile Tomasz Kot.
a small print are given the information that is specifically competitors’ offers compared to the Orange card. In the case of T-Mobile is the Jump! on the card (according to the conditions of October 13 last year), Plus – I + talks, SMS to mobile phones, and 3 GB of March 15 this year., and a Play – Play Formula on the Charter of the conditions imposed on August 20 last year Every time indicated is that “operators have different tariffs, offers and promotions.”
Meanwhile, T-Mobile in early May introduced a promotion in which every visitor offer T-Mobile on the card, the Internet on the Charter and Mix the top up for at least 25 zł gets a free 10 GB Internet to use for 30 days. On Tuesday informed that the promotion has been extended until 14 June.
On Thursday afternoon, T-Mobile announced that it had asked to Orange about “cease the dissemination of incomplete information and unreliable, which may mislead consumers “. The operator emphasizes that the new promotion of the information is, among others, on its website. – As Orange could not notice and make a mistake in the calculations? The only explanation is counting on the credulity of customers who do not check, as in fact they look offer operators – says the company.
– In a moment we all watched football matches Euro2016 and supported a loud doping our representation and our sniper with the number 9. Thus, remaining in football nomenclature market red card should be Orange for the last comparative advertising. Sorry you what it hoped eagles in mathematics are not – said T-Mobile.
Earlier, the company posted a short clip of Robert Lewandowski, the advertiser the last year – Orange eat for breakfast. Always and everywhere. More soon! – Reads the caption under videos.
What is the Orange Poland? – For now, I can confirm that we received a letter on this issue of T-Mobile and analyze them – said Wojciech Jabczyński, spokesman for the Orange telecom.
On the other hand Play announced on Thursday that it introduces a new promotion in formula Unlimited on the card. The offer includes unlimited calls and SMS to all mobile and fixed network and 6 GB Internet package for
spokesman Play Marcin Gruszka in the published filmiku he said that his network likes to fierce competition and now she decided to przygwiazdorzyć offer. – PS Wojtek with Orange’s probably time to change the ad – he added.
– If we have a better offer, a campaign for Orange Card becomes untrue, and we expect that it will be soon completed. In the Internet advertising can be turned off literally today, but we also understand that the traditional media takes a little longer – says Pear portal He adds that the operator does not play, has officially asked to Orange Poland with a request to suspend the campaign. – Do not assume bad intentions on the side of Orange, they have not yet seen our offer. We assume, however, that shall proceed sensibly – says spokesman Play.
In the evening, Marcin Gruszka with John Czaprackim, manager offer prepaid, to wideoczacie analyzed advertising for Orange Card, stressing that the offer of tariff for transferring the number of competitors’ offers to all customers. They noted that the procedure for number portability to take advantage of the new offer Play, is much simpler than in Orange Card, moreover, this offer is cheaper than competing offers prepaid.
The ad Orange on the Charter did not comment yet Plus operator. As learned portal, the company analyzes the campaign in terms of reliability and reflects on possible actions.
Previously telecoms were in dispute about comparative advertising two years ago. Then Polkomtel accused campaign promoting Neostrada that contains unreliable comparison with the offer Plus (in a spot promoting Plus the twins came to the Internet for Heart and Mind, the characters numerous commercials Orange). In response Plus in their successive spots joked with animated brand heroes of the Orange network in one of the twins stated that they do not talk with toys, and others threw stuffed animals, to play on the PlayStation 4, which is available in the promotion Plus.
Learn more: Orange, Orange card, comparative advertising, Play, T -Mobile, Plus, Marcin Gruszka, Robert Lewandowski

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