He’s dead Halina Skoczyńska. She died suddenly 17 May 2016 at the age of 62 years. This death surprised everyone. Margaret Kożuchowska and Halina Skoczyńska († 62 l.) Played together in the TV series “rodzinka.pl” (mother and daughter). Kożuchowska told us that a week ago, met with his show’s mother on the set. – (…) was in great shape and had a lot of plans for personal and professional – said Fakt24 actress. that Halina Skoczyńska dead e-teatr.pl service informed. still unknown are the reasons of death. From what she told us Malgorzata Kożuchowska that Halina Skoczyńska really care about their health. the greater is the surprise for the environment acting.
Halina Skoczyńska dead and no official messages that would inform about the reasons for the death of the actress. We contacted Margaret Kożuchowska, which was the last professional contact with Skoczyńską. For actresses series rodzinka.pl news of the death came as a surprise. – I can not at this moment believe what happened. A week ago we started another series of photos “rodzinki.pl” and it was clear that he was about to meet with Halina on the set. Halina was a great actress and a wonderful person. Brave, still young and full of energy and joy. Always very pleased at these our meetings on the plan – tells us Margaret Kożuchowska .
– She was a beautiful, attractive woman and cares about themselves and their health. Most recently she was in great shape and had a lot of plans for personal and professional. she lived life to the fullest, so it’s so hard to accept what happened. and pushed us too, that we were both favorite actresses Jerzy Jarocki
not only he was episodic actress. It created a lot of great creations of theater and cinema. Although recently he played mainly in the series, but received a proposal to play roles in feature films (portrayed in the Oscar goes eg. In the form of Mother Superior). But it was her love of the theater. She won for example. Prize. Alexander Zelwerowicz monthly theater for the season 2000/2001 for the role Raniewskiej in “The Cherry Orchard” by Chekhov at the Polish Theatre in Wroclaw. Also received the Silver Cross of Merit in 2002 for promoting the development of culture in Poland. Theatre Polish Radio awarded its 2013 prize for the female role in the radio play “The Seagull.”
However, the general public was known as the mother of Natalia Mary in the television series “rodzinka.pl.” Now moved photos to 9. season of the show, which debuted on “Deuce” in 2011. In the series, there are, among others, Margaret Kożuchowska, Tomasz Karolak and Maciej He had to.
VIEW: Film farewell Halina Skoczyński
The decision TVP ws. Continuation rodzinki.pl
The stars are shining in gold creations. Magnificent?
Kożuchowska again in advertising. How many earn?
Mariusz Saturday

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