Monday, May 23, 2016

Scientists have found genes responsible for the shape of the nose – Polish Radio

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Thanks to technology editing of genes called CRISPR / Cas9 can be easily changed or deleted DNA fragments. As a result, scientists can interfere with the specific gene mutations, which gives hope that in the future they could cure congenital diseases.

For now, scientists took HIV. Removed the viral genome from the infected cells.

When a person is attacked by HIV, the virus integrates into the cells of the immune system, affecting their DNA. Diseased cell multiplies the genes of the virus, and this affects more cells – and so on. This affects the efficiency of the immune and leads to AIDS or acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

Existing medications for HIV / AIDS focus on the time the virus attacks the cell. They are trying to prevent. When, however, become infected, they are ineffective. – Antiretroviral drugs are good when it comes to control over the process of HIV infection – says Dr. Kamel Khalili, one of the authors of the

study edition of the genes of cells infected with HIV. – Patients who odstawiają these preparations, the virus but again quickly multiplies – he added.

Researchers at Temple University Health System therefore decided to see if they might be cut genome of the virus from infected cells, and thus stop the proliferation HIV in the body. They demonstrated that virus genome can be removed in its entirety. What’s more, as “healed” cell was immune to another HIV infection.

– This finding important on many levels – says Dr. Khalili. – Shows the efficiency of editing gene and that the “edited” the immune system can then defend itself against re-infection.

Before all, however, gives hope to patients that the fight against HIV / AIDS will be able to rely not only inhibition of infection of the body, but in his treatment.

(ew / IFLScience)


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