Thursday, May 26, 2016

Nearly half of the software in Poland does not have a license – Interia

1 hour. 6 minutes ago

According to the latest survey by the BSA Global Software Survey, 48 percent. Software in Poland is being used without a license, despite his close relationship with cyber threats, including malicious software. Although this result is a decrease of 3 percentage points compared with the previous edition of the report from 2013, the data are still alarming.

Piracy is still in the Polish companies a big problem

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From 60 to 80 percent of software used in government offices in Ukraine is used without a license – Representative Office announced for the US. Trade (USTR). read more

This is the best result in the history of Polish research BSA Global Software Survey, published this year titled “Using opportunities through compliance with licenses.” In 2007, the 2011 and 2013 years the disgraceful ratio amounted to 57 per cent., 53 per cent. and 51 per cent. The overall average in the EU is currently 29 percent. Estimated, the total market value of illegal software used in Poland in 2015 amounted to 447 million USD (536 million USD in 2013).

The change in Polish indicator – according to research firm IDC, co-founder of the report – affect trends observed in the country: a flat in terms of price personal computer market, a relatively long lifetime of purchased equipment, the decline in interest unbranded devices are often equipped with software of dubious origin and the increasing popularity of licensed software among companies and businesses.

“as the report is very important that companies were aware of what software use. Meanwhile, many directors and managers responsible for the IT environment in their organizations do not know how much and exactly what software is installed on their systems and whether it is legal, “- said Victoria A. Espinel, President and CEO of BSA | The Software Alliance.

The study, which was attended by private users, IT managers and computer users in businesses and corporations confirm that unlicensed software is still in widespread use. However, the use of it is a risky game. This is due to the close relationship between unlicensed and malware, and thus the threat of cyber attacks. The costs of malware infection are unfortunately enormous. Suffice it to say that only in 2015, cyber attacks cost the company the world’s total of more than $ 400 billion.

The main findings of the report:

– 39 percent. the software installed in 2015 on computers worldwide was not properly licensed. This represents a fall compared with 43 per cent. recorded in the previous survey BSA 2013.

– Even in some critical sectors index using unlicensed software is amazingly high. The report shows that in industries such as banking, insurance and securities trading amounts to as much as 25 percent.

– The directors responsible for the IT environment estimate that 15 percent. staff installs the software in the company’s network without their knowledge. But even they do not appreciate the scale of the problem as many as 26 poc. Of employees acknowledges that the installed in the corporate network unauthorized software.

Paradoxically, in the light of these figures, the study shows a high awareness of the problem:

– the directors responsible for the iT environment claim that most worried at the prospect of losing critical data due to breach network security.

– they also claim that avoiding cyber threats is a key reason for which ensure that the software used in their networks were legal and fully licensed.

– in a broad survey among the employees, 60 percent. of them indicated the risks associated with unlicensed software as a key reason for the decision to switch to legal and fully licensed software.


to the report, companies can reduce the cyber threat posed by unlicensed software by using software from legitimate sources and the implementation of professional management processes software SAM (Software Asset management). Implementation of an effective SAM program enables constant control over the status of ownership, including the elimination of unlicensed software. In addition, optimizing the costs associated with unnecessary software, allowing organizations to implement systems and applications tailored to the nature of their business and real needs, as well as introduces the rules and procedures governing the future purchase and implement new software and the withdrawal already unnecessary.

the backdoors are usually designed to run commands cybercriminals on an infected machine, the to allow remote access to your private information. Security analysts of Doctor Web discovered recently another representative of that category – a virus … read more

The main findings of this year’s survey:

– The highest overall percentage of unlicensed software found in Asia Pacific (61 percent.), a decrease of one percentage point compared with the report BSA 2013.

– the second in order of the highest rate of unlicensed software found in Central and Eastern Europe (58 per cent . and a drop of three points since 2013), the third in the order of the region is the Middle East and Africa (57 per cent., and a decrease of two points since 2013).

– North America remains the region with the lowest rate (17 percent.). Note, however, that this region represents a significant commercial value ($ 10 billion).

– In Western Europe, the overall rate fell by one percentage point compared to 2013 and now stands at 28 percent. The overall average in the EU amounts to 29 percent.

The fall of three percentage points scale use of unlicensed software commented Bartlomiej Witucki, representative of BSA | The Software Alliance in Poland: “Despite the fact that – according to a study – still nearly half of the software is used in Poland without a license, it would be difficult to say that a decrease of 3 percentage points is not happy about it. If I had to say which factors have the greatest impact on this decline, it would mention three. Firstly, it is the significant increase in the effectiveness of the legal action conducted under the Anti-Piracy BSA in Poland, as evidenced by the numerous settlement serious amount, including one of the companies in the amount of one million dollars. significant importance is the fact that the appointment and operation of each command, provincial, and at the level of the Police Headquarters, departments to combat cybercrime. the third element is the observed increase in the level of management software, although I must admit that Polish companies, which are ready to meet the requirements of ISO / IEC 1977-1 is not much. Totalizator Sportowy, who last year received a certificate Verafirm seems to be the exception to the rule, “.

in assessing Witucki, these three areas are still considerable development potential: “for companies operating in Poland a great opportunity to raise the level of management software is currently being pursued by the BSA campaign fact or fiction. Within its framework it was created portal, where they were made available free company profiles for more than 500,000 small and medium-sized enterprises. In this way, companies are able to obtain many useful materials and tools to support process management software. The first step on this path is always an inventory of the software and verify whether the company has the appropriate licenses to them. With practice, we know that this task should be entrusted to the person who every day takes the control of ownership in terms of resources, “- adds Witucki.


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