Sunday, May 15, 2016

Thousands of people in the Marches for Life and Family – Catholic Agencia Information

CWIŻR / br, Warsaw, 2016-05-15

On Sunday, May 15, the streets of many Polish cities have passed many thousands, joyful and colorful marches for Life and Family. The participants reaching under the slogan “Every life is priceless!” Reminded of the value of every human life from the moment of conception, as well as the family as good, that you care in a special way. This year, the initiative involved more than 140 cities.

The march in Warsaw started at 12:45 at the Monument of Copernicus. Paul Kwaśniak – President of the Center for Life and Family greeting the participants pointed out, among others, of falling in this year’s 60th anniversary of the introduction of so-called Poland. the right to abortion, which resulted in millions of unborn children lost their lives. On behalf of the meeting he urged the rulers to introduce in Poland the total legal protection of unborn life. He noted that an excellent opportunity for such a change is the 1050 anniversary of the Baptism of Polish and the sixtieth anniversary of the Jasna Gora Vows. President of the Foundation pointed to the coincidence of the date of the Marches for Life and Family with the action of collecting signatures for a Citizens Law Project “Stop abortion”, aimed at equal protection of the child before and after birth. Therefore, he encouraged participants in the March for submitting signatures for the project and actively become involved in the campaign of signatures.

The organizers and the thousands of participants in the Marches for Life and Family pose on the affirmation of human life, which is always good in itself, regardless of health status, the circumstances of conception, or any other causes “- says Paul Kwaśniak. He also reminded that a lasting marriage based on love, fidelity and honesty is not a relic of ancient times, but the reality by which you need to seek and which must be respected. Marches for Life and Family clearly show that the family bringing up children is not pathology, but the best idea for happiness and life fulfillment – he stressed.

The project “Stop Abortion” presented its creator – a patron of Jerzy Kwasniewski, President of the Institute for Culture Legal Ordo Iuris. He recalled that Art. 18 of the Polish Constitution says that the Republic define family, marriage and parenthood. He also reminded that the right to life and human dignity is a right inherent, inalienable and inviolable. President of Ordo Iuris pointed out that the Marches represent a unique opportunity for this to show how these values ​​are important, especially today, when there was an extremely good chance to guarantee the right to life of the people smallest and defenseless, from the moment of conception.

the joyous affirmation of life and the family encouraged the happy husband and father of ten children, while the creator of

the Academy Familijna Janusz Wardak. At the March for Life and Family arrived with a large crowd of children.

Participants march in joyous procession passed through the streets of Warsaw Kazimierz Park, where children and adults waited many attractions, including inflatable slide, family contests, games, etc. integration. As every year, all the mothers during pregnancy were handed Children body with the sign of the march. During the picnic participants learned also the largest marching family, marriage with the longest and shortest experience, as well as the youngest participant in the event.

As every year the March for Life and Family supported his presence a person in public life, .: Deputy foreign Minister Prof.. Alexander Stępkowski, Mr Peter Uściński, Mr Robert Vinnytsia, deputy Anna Siarkowska, a former MP and current councilor of the Parliament of the Mazowiecki Marian ball.

According to estimates, the March of Warsaw gathered several thousand people. On the other hand, in Torun was approximately 2.5 thousand participants in Skierniewice, Cieszyn, Olsztyn and Swidnica after about a thousand people. In other cities in the Marches participated from 500 to 3,000 people.

Every year we are growing with each year Marches for Life and Family trigger energy in us and give inspiration to this, to fight for the life of every human beings and to provide the families of their rights, respect and subjectivity. Participants Marches devoting their time to the common expression of attachment to the values ​​of life and family give us a sense that what we are doing and that what we are fighting, has deep meaning – said Paul Kwaśniak.

National coordinator of the Marches for Life and family is the center of Initiatives Support for Life and family (, which also carries out other projects, for example. family Friendly School ( and the Congress of the Life and family (

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