Monday, May 23, 2016

In the first quarter of 2016 Poland sold a total of 1.88 million smartphones –

According to researchers at IDC Poland, in the first quarter of 2016 Poland sold a total of 1.88 million smartphones. This is 7% more than in the same period a year earlier, when they went into the hands of customers 1.75 million of these devices.

The Polish market is gradually saturate. Throughout 2,015 years sold in our country, including 7.5 million smartphones, representing 73% of the total purchased by customers phones. Marek Kujda, senior analyst at IDC Poland points out that the country on the Vistula River is slightly behind Western Europe in terms of market penetration of smartphones (but not so much). In that part of the continent, these devices accounted for 88% of total sales last year of mobile.

Interestingly, customers are increasingly willing to buy new smartphones at the operators, and so on. free market . It stems from the fact that operators often “separate” from each

subscription amount for services and the cost of equipment (whether single or distributed in installments). This makes it easier to compare, or more profitable to buy the last operator, or in the store. Chances are this cheap perceive seller of smartphones, mostly “exotic” brands that have little chance to join the telecom offer.

In the first quarter of 2015 years 70% of all smartphones purchased came from operators. In the first three months of this year it was only 56%. As I mentioned earlier, the benefit for the stores, both stationary and on the network. Interestingly, at the same time decreased the average value of the purchased device with the Android operating system – from 225 euro to 159 euro.

The biggest “winner” in the first quarter of 2016 years was Huawei, which has managed to “jump” into second place in terms of number of smartphones (23%). The first was Samsung (29%), while the third Apple (11%). In turn, the highest revenue on this account can be proud of – in that order – Samsung, Apple and Huawei. Podium therefore remains unchanged, differ only in the occupied positions.

The other Chinese brands succeeded in the first quarter of 2016 years “scoop” for himself 10% of the Polish market.

Source: IDC by Telix , (distinguishing graphics)


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