Friday, May 27, 2016

Aristotle grave discovered after 2,400 years – says Greek archaeologist – Gazeta Wyborcza

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             Statue of Aristotle Stagirze

Statue of Aristotle Stagirze (Panagiotis Karapanagiotis / 123RF)



The ruins of the Greek colony - Stagira - Greek archaeologist Kostas Sismanidis discovered the tomb of one of the greatest philosophers of antiquity - Aristotle.





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Stagira is an ancient Greek colony, located off the coast of the Aegean Macedonia, founded in 655 r. BC by Ionian settlers. There, in 384. BC Aristotle was born, one of the three - alongside Socrates and Plato - the greatest Greek philosophers. After the uprising against the Macedonians fled from his hometown, and his new home became Chalkis on Euboea (the second largest Greek island). There he died in 322 r. BC and was buried.

According to Sismandis, there are two written sources which indicate that the ashes of Aristotle were his death imported from Euboea to Stagira by the people of his hometown. There, in 1996. Archeologist discovered the tomb, and the traces found there are, according to him indicate that this is the burial place of Aristotle.

The outdoor tomb is in the shape of the dome of the hill and is located in the center of Stagira, near the agora . This location indicates that it was a public place. The floor inside the tomb is covered with marble slabs, which dates back to the Hellenistic times. Directly in front of the tomb is the altar. However, as established by archaeologists, the original structure was built hastily and only later covered with a better species materials.

At the top of the tomb's floor, which was surrounded by a semi-circular tower with a height of approx. 2 m. Even in the Byzantine era peak the tower was demolished and replaced with a square design.

in addition, in its interior,

researchers found pottery of the royal manufactories and coins dating back to the times of Alexander the Great.

According to archaeologists, this is the most important discovery, which made in 20 years of work in this position.

source : the New York Times



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