Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Revolution on Twitter – posts to extend. Unnecessarily? – Policy

The company has not yet commented reports, which were published on Bloomberg. Agency says that Twitter to an overall limit of characters (140) will not be added or photos, or links, entraining generally 23 characters. So much, and given such a small space for development. Now there will be more freedom entries to extend – so that explains an anonymous employee Twitter.

Sam Twitter loud on this subject does not speak, but his boss Jack Dorsey changes announced in January. He assured then that sooner or later will come the expectations of users, who complained primarily of the limitations – the small volume.

Entries – because such a scenario and practiced – were to grow to 10 thousand. characters but then Twitter upodobniłby to other social networking sites. I would have no more chance in the competition.

How to be distinguished? Twitter – apart from changing the method of counting the characters – is planning to invest more in the video. The service would be on a larger scale narrate various events – sports, political – live. Although this feature has long and successfully tested even Facebook.

A new way of summing characters will be

implemented no earlier than two weeks – gives Bloomberg.

It should be remembered that founded in 2006, Twitter was famous – and had be celebrated – precisely zdawkowości. It was to be as esemesie – short and to the point. Tool liked especially journalists, politicians, diplomats, transmitting a news and polemizujący. Tweety very exciting typically have a short life. Longer entries rather share this fate.

A small volume required cunning, cleverness, creativity. “It’s a beautiful coercion” – once said Dorsey. The implication: coercion trimming their thoughts and information to a specified number of characters. Maybe a pity that users will no longer have to bend over to accommodate your message. If something Twitter – besides losing value – stood out, it’s just that.

Read also: Decade of Twitter – will it be next?


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