2016-05-22 19:29 Print ->
“I am,” was the motto on Sunday, May 22 passed through the streets of Czestochowa Archdiocese of Basilica of the Holy Family to Jasna Gora March for Life and Family.

The march began in the finale of the “diaper for Malucha” on the square in front Archicathedral Holy Family. Then, in the great Cathedral Mass. Bishop Antoni Dlugosz senior.
“The paradox is that in the XXI century, which boasts the advances in technology, including those in the medical field, is permitted to kill unarmed man before birth, as well as a helpless man by euthanasia” – said at the beginning of Mass. Bishop Dlugosz.
Then, in his homily, Bishop Dlugosz pointed to the Year of Charity and recalled by Pope Francis, that “the name of God is mercy.”
“Charity is an act of love directed to other people who need our help” – recalled Bishop Dlugosz and added that “.Bóg always loves us and never betrays us.”
The bishop also referred to the jubilee anniversary of the 1050 Baptism Polish – We have become the great family of God’s children, whose name Poland – said the bishop.
Bishop Dlugosz recalled that “an expression of our love for God is loyalty to the commandments of God and therefore have to stand in defense of unborn life” – God is the giver of life. He is the Lord of life and death of every human being. The consent to an abortion is consenting to the death of unborn life – said Bishop Dlugosz and recalled the words of St. John Paul II, who said that “A nation that kills children has no future.”
“The paradox is that there are politicians who advocate for abortion, and when a woman kills a child called me a murderer and judges. Where is the logic? “- Continued the bishop and urged:” We stand for a civilization of life and not a culture of death. ”
At the end entrusted the defense of human life, family and marriage to Mary the Mother of Life.
After the Mass. March participants, m. in. members of movements and associations, pro-family, consecrated persons, parliamentarians, families, residents of Czestochowa during the march of the Avenue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, laid flowers at the monument of St. John Paul II – the Pope pilgrim.
Then Błoniach Jasna Gora participants of the march paid homage with white flowers
“In the march take part because of our duty it is to defend the defenseless and promotion of life. He wants to show everyone that they should not fear the opinions of others and realize others that no man has the right to decide about human life “- stressed Marta Kluczniak and added that” by each volunteer pro-life movement defenseless children say: “I am” and they cry for help. ”
While Raphael Gawenda noted that “we live in strange times, where the family is struggling enacting and enforcing barbaric law, and as the family tries to call various aberrations” – the more reason to cherish and fight for the traditional family model, because it determines what will be future generations – stressed in an interview with “Sunday of” Rafal Gawenda.
In his message to the participants and organizers of the March for Life and Family, Archbishop Waclaw Depo Metropolitan of Częstochowa wrote: “I am …” he says of the gift of life, followed by the awareness that I am. The next task is: I want to live, because I’m free. But the most important message: I am – because I love. This gift – I … love … show that we are from the hand of God, and to Him we go … ”
An important element of this year’s march was the ability to support the bill on the full legal protection of the unborn child.
The main organizer of the March for Life and Family was the Foundation for Life and Family them. St. Pope John Paul II.
Marches for Life and the Family in the Archdiocese of Czestochowa will also receive the following streets: Radom (29 May), Wielun (5 June) and the Zawiercie (26 June).
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->Departments: Sunday Czestochowa
Tags: Czestochowa march life

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