According to, relying on information from the service, China does not work email service Gmail. According to the experts for this situation may be responsible Chinese Internet control system. “We believe that the government is trying to further reduce the presence of Google in China” – were reported by one of the users
Last Friday, one of the departments involved in the study of Google traffic web services giant, reported a decline Gmail activity in China . At that time, a spokesman for the company (stationed in Singapore) ensures that the problems with the postal service “does not exist on the side of Google”.
Since June of this year, almost all websites owned by Google experienced disruption in their operation in China. The first disturbance began during the preparations for the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square incident.
Hua Chunying Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman assured that he knows nothing about blocking Gmail, added that his country’s government aims to provide a “friendly environment for foreign investors. “
In China introduced the most advanced mechanism to censor the network, sometimes called the Great Firewall of China (the name refers to the Great Wall of China, the Great Wall of China).,,
‘; }} If (! Expand_pos) destObj var = ‘# comments-container -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent; destObj else var = ‘# comments-container -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘-’ + expand_pos; if (oJsonObject.large_votes_buttons) $ (“# comment-large-votes – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .html (oJsonObject.large_votes_buttons); $ (DestObj) .html (returnHTML); if (first_level) {coments_textCollapse (destObj); $ (‘# List-comments-combobox-order’). Val (oJsonObject.orderIndex); } $ (‘# Comments-container -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .animate ({opacity: 1}); }}, Error: function () {$ (‘# comments-container -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .animate ({opacity: 1}); $ (‘Body’). Css (‘cursor’, ‘default’); }}); } Function comment_toggleAnswers (id_element, i d_parent) {var answbtn = $ (“# comment-answers – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent); answcntr var = $ (‘# comments-container -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent); if (answbtn.hasClass (‘answers-link-down’)) {answbtn.addClass (‘answers-link-up’); answbtn.removeClass (‘answers-link-down’); if (answcntr.text () == ”) {comments_get (id_element, id_parent, false, false, false); } Answcntr.slideDown (); setTimeout (function () {coments_textCollapse (‘# comments-container -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent, true);}, 500); } Else {answbtn.removeClass (‘answers-link-up’); answbtn.addClass (‘answers-link-down’); answcntr.slideUp (); }} Function comments_showAlertForm (id_element, id_parent) {$ (‘.comments-newComment’). Hide (); $ (‘.comment-Item’). RemoveClass (‘comment-item-added’); $ (̵ 6;.comment-Item’). RemoveClass (‘comment-item-addform’); $ (‘Body’). 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Css (‘cursor’, ‘wait’); $ .ajax ({Type: “POST”, url: ‘/F/ajax/comments.php’, date: {‘add-forms’: 1, ‘id_element’: id_element, ‘id_parent’: id_parent, ‘url’ : comments_geturl (), ‘curl’: comments_geturl ()}, dataType: ‘json’, success: function (oJsonObject) {$ (‘body’). css (‘cursor’, R 16;default’); if (oJsonObject) { $ (‘# comments-toolbar2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .fadeOut (20); $ (‘# comments-newComment -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (oJsonObject.html); $ ( ‘# comments-newComment -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .fadeIn (); $ (‘# comments’ + id_parent) .addClass (‘comment-item-addform’);}}, error: function () { $ (‘# comments-newComment -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘There was an error’); $ (‘body’). css (‘cursor’, ‘default’);}}); } Function comments_hideAddForm (id_element, id_parent) {$ (‘# comments-newComment -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .slideUp (); $ (‘# Comments-toolbar2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .fadeIn (); $ (‘.comment-Item’). RemoveClass (& #8216;comment-item-addform’); } Function comments_submitAddForm (id_element, id_parent) {$ (‘body’). Css (‘cursor’, ‘wait’); $ (‘# NewComment-wait -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .show (); $ (‘# NewComment-wait -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘Sending data …’); $ (‘# NewComment-error -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (”); $ (‘# NewComment-text -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .css (‘opacity’, 0.3); $ (‘# NewComment-moreinfo -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .css (‘opacity’, 0.3); $ (‘# Comments-newComment -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.newcomment-buttons’). Hide (); $ .ajax ({Type: “POST”, url: ‘/F/ajax/comments.php’, date: {‘send-comment’: 1, & #8216;id_element’: id_element, ‘id_parent’: id_parent, ‘text’ $ (‘# newComment-text -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .val (), ‘nick’: $ (‘# newComment-nick -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .val (), ‘ uid ‘: $ (‘ # newComment-user-id – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .val (),’ fbuid ‘: $ (‘ # newComment-user-fb-id – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .val (), ‘TYPE_1′: ($ (‘# newComment-type-1 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) is (‘: checked’)? 1: 0), ‘TYPE_2′: ( $ (‘# newComment-type-2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) is (‘: checked’)? 1: 0), ‘type_3′: ($ (‘# newComment-type-3 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) is (‘: checked̵ 7;)? 1: 0), // ‘id_parent’: id_parent, ‘url’: comments_geturl (), ‘curl’: comments_geturl ()}, dataType: ‘json ‘, success: function (oJsonObject) {$ (‘ body ‘). css (‘ cursor ‘,’ default ‘); $ (‘ # newComment-wait – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .hide (); $ (‘# newComment-text -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .css (‘opacity’, 1); $ (‘# newComment-moreinfo -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .css (‘opacity’, 1); $ (‘# Comments-newComment -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.newcomment-buttons’). FadeIn (); if (oJsonObject) {if (oJsonObject.error) {$ (‘# newComment-error -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (oJsonObject.error); } Else {$ (‘.comments-newComment’). Hide (); $ (‘.co mment-Item’). RemoveClass (‘comment-item-addform’); if (oJsonObject.html) {$ (‘# comments-container -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (oJsonObject.html + $ (‘# comments-container -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html ()); $ (‘# Comments-container -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .fadeIn (); }}} Else $ (‘# newComment-error -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘There was an error. No object.’); }, Error: function () {$ (‘# newComment-wait -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .hide (); $ (‘# NewComment-error -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘An error’); $ (‘Body’). Css (‘cursor’, ‘default’); $ (‘# NewComment-text -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .css (‘opacity’, 1); $ ( 216;# NewComment-moreinfo -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .css (‘opacity’, 1); $ (‘# Comments-newComment -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.newcomment-buttons’). FadeIn (); }}); } Function comments_submitAlertForm (id_element, id_parent) {$ (‘body’). Css (‘cursor’, ‘wait’); $ (‘# Allertcomment-wait -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .show (); $ (‘# Allertcomment-wait -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘Sending data …’); $ (‘# Allertcomment-error -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (”); $ (‘# Allertcomment-text -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .css (‘opacity’, 0.3); $ (‘# Comments-alertcomment -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.newcomment-buttons’). Hide (); $ .aja x ({Type: “POST”, url: ‘/F/ajax/comments.php’, date: {‘alert-comment’: 1, ‘id_element’: id_element, ‘id_parent’: id_parent, ‘text’ $ (‘# allertcomment-text -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .val (), ‘TYPE_1′: ($ (“# comment-alert-type-1 – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent). is (‘: checked’)? 1: 0), ‘TYPE_2′: ($ (“# comment-alert-type-2 – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) is (‘: checked ‘)? 1: 0), ‘type_3′: ($ (“# comment-alert-type-3 – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) is (‘: checked ‘)? 1: 0),’ type_4 ‘: ($ ( “# comment-alert-type-4 – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) is (‘: checked ‘)? 1: 0),’ url ‘: comments_geturl (),& #8217; curl ‘: comments_geturl ()}, dataType: ‘json’, success: function (oJsonObject) {$ (‘body’). css (‘cursor’, ‘default’); $ (‘# allertcomment-wait -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .hide (); $ (‘# allertcomment-text -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .css (‘opacity’, 1); $ (‘# allertcomment-moreinfo -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .css ( ‘opacity’, 1); $ (‘# comments-alertcomment -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.newcomment-buttons’). fadeIn (); if (oJsonObject) {if (oJsonObject.error) {$ (‘# newComment-error -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (oJsonObject.error); } Else {$ (‘.comments-newComment’). Hide (); $ (‘.comment-Item-text -’ + id_parent + ‘b.clRed’). Remove (); $ (‘.comment- Item-text -’ + id_parent) .html (‘
The report has been sent! ‘ + $ (‘.comment-item-text -’ + id_parent) .html ()); $ (‘.comment-Button-alert -’ + id_parent) .attr (‘disabled’, ‘disabled’); }} Else $ (‘# allertcomment-error -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘There was an error. No object.’); }, Error: function () {$ (‘# allertcomment-wait -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .hide (); $ (‘# Allertcomment-error -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘An error’); $ (‘Body’). Css (‘cursor’, ‘default’); $ (‘# Allertcomment-text -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .css (‘opacity’, 1); $ (‘# Allertcomment-moreinfo -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .css (‘opacity’ ;, 1); $ (‘# Comments-alertcomment -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.newcomment-buttons’). FadeIn (); }}); } Function comment_zoomIn (id_comment) {$ (‘# comments’ + id_comment + ‘.comment-item-text -’ + id_comment) .addClass (‘comment-item-text-Zoom’); $ (“# Comment ‘+ id_comment +’
.comment-button-zoom-in – ‘+ id_comment) .hide (); $ (“# Comment ‘+ id_comment +’ .comment-button-zoom-out – ‘+ id_comment) .show (); } Function comment_zoomOut (id_comment) {$ (‘# comments’ + id_comment + ‘.comment-item-text -’ + id_comment) .removeClass (‘comment-item-text-Zoom’); $ (“# Comment ‘+ id_comment +’ .comment-button-zoom-in – ‘+ id_comment) .show (); $ (“# Comment ‘+ id_comment +’ .comment-button-zoom-out – ‘+ id_comment) .hide (); } F unction comment_showAllUserBox (id_element, id_parent) {$ (‘.newcomment-user-box -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .hide (); $ (‘# NewComment-all-user-box -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .show (); $ (‘# NewComment-type-1 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .attr (‘checked’, ‘checked’); comment_canSendComment (id_element, id_parent); } Function comment_showLoginUserBox (id_element, id_parent) {$ (‘.newcomment-user-box -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .hide (); $ (‘# NewComment-login-user-box -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .show (); $ (‘# NewComment-type-2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .attr (‘checked’, ‘checked’); comment_canSendComment (id_element, id_parent); } Function comment_unsetFBprofile (id_element, id_parent) {$ (‘.comment-newComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). Attr (‘alt’, ”); $ (‘.comment-NewComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). Attr (‘title’, ”); $ (‘.comment-NewComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). Attr (‘src’, ‘ face_blog_default.jpg ‘); $ (‘# NewComment-moreinfo-fb -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .hide (); $ (‘# NewComment-infobar-4fb -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .show (); $ (‘# NewComment-user-fb-id -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .val (”); $ (‘# NewComment-type-1 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .attr (‘checked’, ‘checked’) ; $ .ajax ({Type: “POST”, url: ‘/F/ajax/profil.php’, date: {unsetFBprofile: 1}, dataType: ‘json’, success: function (oJsonObject) {}, error: function () {}}); comment_canSendComment (id_element, id_parent); } Function comment_assignFBprofile (id_element, id_parent) {$ (‘# assignFBprofile-error -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (”); FBConnectInit (function (_FBuser) {if (! _FBuser) {$ (‘# AssignFBprofile-error -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘There was an error. No connection to Facebook.’);} Else if ( ! & amp; & amp;! & amp; & amp;! {$ (‘# assignFBprofile-error -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘There was an error. No connection to the service Facebook or not all the data has been transferred. ‘);} else {$ (‘ .newcomment-user-box – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .remove (); $ (‘ # newComment-user-fb-id- ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .val (; $ (‘ # newComment-infobar – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .html (‘ ‘); $ (‘ .comment-newComment-form – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent +’ .comment-newComment-thumb img ‘). attr (‘ alt ‘,; $ (‘ .comment-newComment-form – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent +’ .comment-newComment-thumb img ‘). attr (‘ title ‘,; $ (‘ # newComment-type-3 – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .attr (‘ checked ‘,’ checked ‘ ); if ( {$ (‘.comment-newComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img̵ 7;). addClass (‘pointer’); $ (‘.comment-NewComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). Click (function () { (, ‘facebook’) ;;} ); } If (_FBuser.image) {$ (‘.comment-newComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). Attr (‘src’, _FBuser.image); } Comment_canSendComment (id_element, id_parent); }}); } Function comments_vote (id_element, id_parent, id_vote, vote, is_large) {$ (‘body’). Css (‘cursor’, ‘wait’); if (is_large) {$ (“# comment-large-votes – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent +’ a ‘). click (function () {return false;}); $ (“# Comment-large-votes – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .animate ({‘ opacity ‘: 0.3}); } Else $ ( ‘# comments-toolbar2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote’). Animate ({‘opacity’: 0.3}); $ .ajax ({Type: “POST”, url: ‘/F/ajax/comments.php’, date: {‘set-vote’: 1, ‘id_element’: id_element, ‘id_parent’: id_parent, ‘id_vote’ : id_vote, ‘is_large’: (is_large? 1: 0), ‘vote’: vote, ‘url’: comments_geturl (), ‘curl’: comments_geturl ()}, dataType: ‘json’, success: function (oJsonObject) {$ (‘body’). css (‘cursor’, ‘default’); $ (‘# comments-toolbar2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote’). animate ({‘opacity ‘: 1}); if (oJsonObject) {if (oJsonObject.error) {if (oJsonObject.voted == 1) {$ (‘ # comments-toolbar2 – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_pa rent +’ .form-button- vote ‘). attr (‘ disabled ‘,’ disabled ‘); $ (‘ # comments-toolbar2 – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent +’ .form-button-vote ‘). addClass (‘ form-button-vote- Voted ‘);}} else {if (is_large & amp; & amp; oJsonObject.large_votes_buttons) {$ (“# comment-large-votes -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (oJsonObject.large_votes_buttons); $ (‘ # comment-large-votes – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .animate ({‘ opacity ‘: 1}); } Else {$ (‘# comments-toolbar2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote’). Attr (‘disabled’, ‘disabled’); $ (‘# Comments-toolbar2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote’). AddClass (‘form-button-vote-voted’); $ (& #8216;# Comments-toolbar2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote-yes’). Val (oJsonObject.votes_yes); $ (‘# Comments-toolbar2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote-no’). Val (oJsonObject.votes_no); }}}}, Error: function () {$ (‘body’). Css (‘cursor’, ‘default’); $ (‘# Comments-toolbar2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote’). Animate ({‘opacity’: 1}); if (is_large) {$ (“# comment-large-votes – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .html (‘ ‘); $ (“# Comment-large-votes – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .animate ({‘ opacity ‘: 1}); }}}); } Function comment_canSendAlert (id_element, id_parent) {var txt1 = $ .trim ($ (‘# allertcomment-text -’ + id_element + &# 8216;-’ + id_parent) .val ()); var ret = false; if ($ (“# comment-alert-type-1 – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) is (‘: checked ‘)) {$ (‘ # allertcomment-text – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .hide (); ret = true; } Else if ($ (“# comment-alert-type-2 – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) is (‘: checked ‘)) {$ (‘ # allertcomment-text – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .hide (); ret = true; } Else if ($ (“# comment-alert-type-3 – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) is (‘: checked ‘)) {$ (‘ # allertcomment-text – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .hide (); ret = true; } Else if ($ (“# comment-alert-type-4 – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) is (‘: checked ‘)) { $ (‘ # allertcomment-text – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .show (); ret = ((txt1! = ”) & amp; & amp; (txt1.length & gt; 20)); } If (ret) $ (“# comment-alert-send – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .removeAttr (‘ disabled ‘); else $ (“# comment-alert-send – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .attr (‘ disabled ‘,’ disabled ‘); } Function comment_canSendComment (id_element, id_parent) {var txt1 = $ .trim ($ (‘# newComment-text -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .val ()); var .trim txt2 = $ ($ (‘# newComment-nick -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .val ()); acetamide var = $ .trim ($ (‘# newComment-user-id -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .val ()); iduf var = $ .trim ($ (‘# newComment-user-fb-id -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .val ()); var ret = false; if ((txt1! = ”) & amp; & amp; (txt1.length & gt; = 3) & amp; & amp; (! $ (‘# newComment-moreinfo -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) is (‘: visible ‘))) {if ($ (‘ # newComment-type-3 – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) is (‘: checked ‘)) {$ (‘ # newComment-moreinfo – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .show (); $ (‘# NewComment-moreinfo -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .removeAttr (‘disabled’); } Else {$ (‘# newComment-moreinfo -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .slideDown (function () {$ (‘# newComment-moreinfo -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .removeAttr (‘disabled’ )}); }} If ($ (‘# newComment-type-1 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) is (‘: checked ’)) {ret = ((txt1! = ”) & Amp; & amp; (txt2! = ”) & amp; & amp; (txt1.length & gt; = 3) & amp; & amp; (txt2.length & gt; = 5)); } Else if ($ (‘# newComment-type-2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) is (‘: checked’)) {ret = ((txt1! = ”) & Amp; & amp; (acetamide & gt ; 0) & amp; & amp; (txt1.length & gt; = 3)); } Else if ($ (‘# newComment-type-3 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) is (‘: checked’)) {ret = ((txt1! = ”) & Amp; & amp; (iduf & gt ; 0) & amp; & amp; (txt1.length & gt; = 3)); } If (ret) $ (‘# newComment-send -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .removeAttr (‘disabled’); else $ (‘# newComment-send -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .attr (‘disabled’, ‘disabled’); } Function comment_loginUser (id_element, id_parent) {var txt1 = $ .trim ($ (‘# newComment-u ser-nickname -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .val ()); var .trim txt2 = $ ($ (‘# newComment-user-pwd -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .val ()); $ (‘Body’). Css (‘cursor’, ‘wait’); $ .ajax ({Type: “POST”, url: ‘/F/ajax/comments.php’, date: {‘login-user’: 1, ‘l’: txt1, ‘p’: txt2, ‘url’ : comments_geturl (), ‘curl’: comments_geturl ()}, dataType: ‘json’, success: function (oJsonObject) {$ (‘body’). css (‘cursor’, ‘default’); if (oJsonObject) { if (oJsonObject.error) {$ (‘# newComment-user-err -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (oJsonObject.error);} else if (oJsonObject.id_user & gt; 0) {$ (‘. newComment-user-box – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .remove (); $ (‘ # newComm ent-user-id – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .val (oJsonObject.id_user); $ (‘ # newComment-infobar – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .html (‘ ‘); $ (‘ .comment-newComment-form – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent +’ .comment-newComment-thumb img ‘). attr (‘alt’, oJsonObject.username); $ (‘.comment-newComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). attr (‘title’, oJsonObject.username) ; $ (‘# newComment-type-2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .attr (‘checked’, ‘checked’); if (oJsonObject.userurl) {$ (‘.comment-newComment-form-’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). addClass (‘pointer’); $ (‘.comment-NewComment- form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). Click (function () {location = oJsonObject.userurl;}); } If (oJsonObject.userthumb) {$ (‘.comment-newComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). Attr (‘src’, oJsonObject.userthumb); } Comment_canSendComment (id_element, id_parent); } Else {$ (‘# newComment-user-err -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘There was an error’); }} Else $ (‘# newComment-user-err -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘There was an error’); }, Error: function () {$ (‘# newComment-user-err -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘There was an error’); $ (‘Body’). Css (‘cursor’, ‘default’); }}); } Function comment_textareaAutoHeight (textarea) { / * if ($ .browser.mozilla) {var tah = $ (textarea) .height (); if (tah – & gt;
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