Thursday, December 18, 2014

Polish scientists are prepared to run the power plant … –

Professor Louis Dobrzyński , Director of the Department of Education and Training NCBJ acknowledges that we lack the designers with experience. Decades of research, yet initiated Soviet reactor “Eve”, but gave the Poles big powers. We have a great reactor control specialists, as well as carrying out special reactor calculations, which means that the experience of engineers from Świerk can be very useful and help develop projects related to nuclear power plants. Professor Dobrzyński adds that nuclear energy in Poland is not only necessary, but also essential.

Professor Andrzej Strupczewski, Nuclear Safety Commission President NCBJ no secret that the Poles do not have experience in operating large, modern power plants, because they had no where to get it yet. The knowledge that comes from research in the resort Świerk may, however, very useful. Therefore, a professor Strupczewski wishes reaktorowi “Maria” on the occasion of the birth of the next four decades of activity, as well as good

prospects for the use of its features, including those that will be able to use nuclear power.

President of the Nuclear Safety Commission hopes NCBJ that power will finally come, so we get cheap electricity and safe working conditions. He says Professor Strupczewski – specific decisions on nuclear energy have already been taken, and now you have to wait for them reaching investments and activities.

The reactor “Maria” started its operations 17 December 1974 year. It is the largest in history, and currently the only Polish research nuclear reactor.

& gt; & gt; & gt; Read also: Armatohaubica “Crab” on the Korean chassis. The agreement signed with Samsung


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