Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen can prolong life – LM.pl – the first portal in the region – Konin, Circle Słupca, Turek

Science and Technology Elixir of youth Ibuprofen cure Doctors Lifespan drugs Medicine

A popular anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drug, ibuprofen, prolongs the life of some species. The study, carried out using a variety of insects have shown that eg. A regular intake of doses of ibuprofen by flies significantly prolongs their lives – in the case of a man would be, roughly, 12 additional years.

The participants in the experiment, the researchers point out at this that humans and insects away evolutionary gap and message announcing the invention of the elixir of youth, you still need to wait. Furthermore, the researchers do not know yet the mechanism by which a popular drug increases

life expectancy.

The results of the study commented Dr. Michael Polymenis from Texas A & amp; M AgriLife Research: “We are not sure why the process works, but the issue is worth further investigation. Study was proof that common, relatively safe for human drugs can prolong the lives of many organisms. It should therefore be possible to find other than ibuprofen substances that would do it even better. “


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